And later he was flown to Berlin and the German experts and authorities have since confirmed, after detoxicological test, that he was poisoned with a chemical nerve agent of the Novichok group, a military-grade neurotoxin – the same biological weapon that was used in the poisoning of a Russian ex-spy and his daughter in the UK about two and a half years ago. This is not the first time Mr Navalny would be poisoned.
Author: Gabriel Agbo
Now, our interest here is not in the legal processes that brought about the conviction, but on the words of insistence from this dying man. You don’t gloss over the words of a dying man. They are usually from the depths of the person’s soul
Nothing can exist or function without Him. Narrowing this down to ourselves, He brought us into existence and has his master plans for our life. He is willing and capable of bringing to pass all his purposes for our lives.
True! Nothing has the right to terminate your life just like that.
“Then at last the LORD said to me, ‘You have been wandering around in this hill country long enough; turn northward” (Deuteronomy 2:2-3).
Here, we will learn about sacrifices of faith, kindness, patriotism, prayer, fasting and praise. When you go beyond the ordinary in any of the above, you immediately set off divine, unseen, supernatural forces that will respond, rush towards you
One of the greatest gifts the LORD gives to us is the ability to recognise when to wait at a particular position or in a circumstance, and when to advance into the next phase of our destinies
When you give your ‘last meal’ to God or for humanity, expect not just the miracle of multiplication, but the visitation of the power of resurrection
We have not only discussed the great sacrifices of great men and women in the bible and how their actions made them great, but also people like Yonatan ‘Yoni’ Netanyahu of Israel; the young Israeli who led the commando unit to rescued the Jewish hostages who were kept in Entebbe airport after their plane was hijacked and diverted to Uganda in 1976
So, we can rightly say that the foundation of sex toys was that of the desire for ‘unlimited’ pleasure and the worship of demonic gods
Things we never imagined that they will ever happen for us. That is the power of creation
Stop fidgeting. Stop complaining about. Our God is able and faithful. At the appointed time (which could be sooner than you think) He will bring His word to pass in your life
Today, people not only sleep with the opposite sex, but with the same sex, with animals and demons. And you already know that one of the reasons why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah is homosexual sin
And if the next generations still refuse to repent, the curses will continue to extend indefinitely
One of the things that attracts divine curses that will always run generational is idolatry
To show you how difficult these hindrances can be, even ministers, pastor, strong Christians also go through these sometimes
Look at what happened in Exodus 19; when God decided to come down on Mount Sinai to meet the children of Israel. He first told Moses His intention of bringing them out of Egypt: to be a special treasure, Kingdom of priests and a holy nation to Him. After that, He told Moses to go and purify the children of Israel for He would come down to meet them, “Go down and prepare the people for my visit. Purify them today and tomorrow, and have them wash their clothing. Be sure they are ready on the third day, for I will come down upon Mount Sinai as all the people watch (Verse ten). When Moses came to them he relayed God’s message, and I love the words he used for that, “Get ready!” Bringing down God’s presence needs a conscious arrangement. It takes a process. It involves obedience, discipline and purity. Moses told them, “If you desire it, then put yourselves in order. Purify yourselves! They did just that and heaven came down.
When we do the things we should do, God will manifest His presence in and around us. If you carefully follow these principles we’ve been talking about, you will immediately spark-off an unprecedented move of God in your life or fellowship
Now, from the beginning, God related to man through sacrifices. After giving man the freedom to eat every fruit in the Garden of Eden, he went ahead to warn him not to touch or eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
You cannot relate with God for a reasonable period of time without noticing that fire is an indispensable attribute of his presence and actions