Yes, you must be in total submission to His directives when in a covenant with Him. You must be willing to obey all His words. You must pay attention to every detail of His leading; believing that the outcome will be for your good. The word of God says that the end of a man or woman that follows God is peace. It doesn’t matter what is presently happening, God will ultimately maneuver all to bring about His glory and your blessing. Go and check this out with everyone that has totally committed to following Him in the bible. Truly, those that trust Him shall never be disappointed!
Look at when He told Abraham to ‘sacrifice’ his only son. You already know how this miracle baby was born. After several years of promises, waiting, psychological and spiritual trauma, against all known natural and medical laws, against all expectations, Sarah at seventy-five and Abraham at a hundred years gave birth to this child of promise. I love the way the word of God captured it, “Then the LORD did exactly what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant, and gave a son to Abraham in his old age. It all happened at the time God had said it would.” God cannot fail! Isaac’s parents were so happy and showed it by the big parties and ceremonies they threw. Now, just imagine the same God coming back to demand for this same boy in sacrifice. What?? And remember also that a better part of the promise will be fulfilled through him. He was the ‘seed’ of that promise.
Now, before we go on, I will like you to note the words that God used in this very expensive ‘joke’. Listen, “Later on God tested Abraham’s faith and obedience. ‘Abraham! God called. Yes, he replied. Here I am.’ ‘Take your son, your only son – yes Isaac, whom you love so much- and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you.” Gen 22:1-2. Extreme obedience attracts extreme divine performance. Did you note the two words only and love. God knew that Isaac was the only, the all in all and that they loved him so much, yet He demanded for him. What is that only you love so much that He is demanding from you today? Are you willing to oblige him??
Abraham, without consultation, without questioning or agitation took the boy, two of his servants and woods for the fire and headed to where God told him. This guy was really sold out to God. No wonder I can feel God saying “forever my name and operations shall be attached to this man’s name. I have seen faith; I have seen obedience and trust, but none like Abraham’s.” Abraham would have sacrificed the boy if God did not stop him at the point of stabbing him. He believed that even if he had killed him that God was able to raise Isaac again from death. My God!
Now, check out God’s response to this uncommon loyalty, “Then the angel of the LORD called again to Abraham from heaven, ‘this is what the LORD says: Because you have obeyed me and have not withheld even your beloved son, I SWEAR by myself that I will bless you richly. I will multiply your descendants into countless millions, like the stars of the sky and the sand on the seashore. They will conquer their enemies, and through your descendants, all the nations of the earth will be blessed – all because you have obeyed me.” Gen 22:15-18. This will also be your portion in Jesus’ name! Till next week, God bless!
Rev. Agbo is the author of the book, Power of Midnight Prayer. 08037113283,
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (5), by Gabriel Agbo
“Then the LORD appeared to Abram and said, ‘I am going to give this land to your offspring.’ And Abram built an altar there to commemorate the LORD’s visit… There he built an altar and worshiped the LORD. Then Abram traveled south by stages towards the Negev.” Gen 12:7-9
There are things you must consistently do if you really desire the divine covenant to continue to be speaking for you. One is that you must learn the secret and the power of the altar. An altar is where you meet with the supernatural. Altar is a place of worship. It is a place of renewal, sacrifice and prayer. If we must continually, perpetually activate the power and benefits of our covenants with God, then we must learn how to permanently make an altar for Him. And not just building a structure, but become a mobile altar ourselves. True!
Abraham learnt this quite early in his walk with Him. Each time God visits him, he builds an altar. Each time He speaks to him, he builds an altar. Each time he has victory, he builds an altar. Each time, he travels or relocates to a new place, he builds an altar. Wow! Just imagine that. I wonder how many altars this man built in his life time. And this clearly shows how serious he took his relationship with God. Now, like I said we must move a step further by become mobile divine altars. How? We will soon know.
After Abraham met with God in Haran, he seized every opportunity to reverence the Almighty. He not just mouthed his love and respect for Him, but demonstrated same at every point through his actions. He loved, trusted and was indeed very proud of this his new Friend. No wonder, they had a very deep and close relationship to the extent that God said that He was not going to hide what He was going to do from His friend Abraham. Yes, God called him “My friend.” I’m already green with envy. I want God to call me names also. If you want your relationship with Him to become very cordial, then you must learn how to reverence and respect Him, His words in every area of your life, in every situation and everywhere. He says that if you honor Him, then He will also honor you. And you know how He greatly honored Abraham. Divine covenants are not just activated by claiming (as we do today), but by practically honoring and acting on every of God’s words.
We must begin to give Him our best, first and all. Our lives, our best time, best resources, and strength to Him. Yes, that is exactly what sacrifice is all about. We must sacrifice quality and enough time to pray, praise and worship Him. Sacrifice is simply offering something very dear, precious, of great value, ‘painful’ to another. God automatically fell in love with Abraham because of the quality of his obedience, gifts, services and offerings. Sometimes, he gave God his last. Or you think God will just wake up and begin to swear to bless somebody? No! Only sacrifice can attract that level of divine commitment. True! Now, you too can become an altar for God today. Give every second of your life to God. We will continue next week, God bless you!
Rev. Agbo is the author of the book, Power of Midnight Prayer. 08037113283,