“When you arrive in the land the Lord your God is giving you, be very careful not to imitate the detestable customs of the nations living there. For example, never sacrifice your son and daughter as a burnt offering. And do not let your people practice fortune telling or sorcery, or allow them to interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirit of the dead. Anyone who does those things is an object of horror and disgust to the LORD. It is because the other nations have done these things that the LORD your God will drive them out ahead of you. You must be blameless before the LORD your God.” Deuteronomy 18:9-13
Occultism, witchcraft and false religion are the channels by which Satan and the kingdom of darkness work against God’s kingdom on earth. The use these to pollute and ultimately destroy man. This trinity of evil is war against God and the battlefield is man. Now, we will highlight some of the activities of these satanic channels and relate them to our main purpose of putting together this work – battling the kingdom of darkness through midnight prayers.
Midnight prayer remains a weapon of terror against the kingdom of Satan. And these agents of Satan know this very well. They are always afraid of the midnight warriors (and prayer warriors in general). They know the warriors are a serious threat to their clandestine and nefarious activities. Now, some people will always ask why they often have nightmares after praying in the night. The answer is simple. When you pray in the midnight, you disrupt the activities of the evil world and naturally they will try to resist. Sometimes, you don’t just see this in the dream world, but the physical manifestation. They will begin to challenge you physically, even go to the extent of warning you to stop the prayers.
If we must counter and dismantle the operations of this trinity of evil (occultism, witchcraft and false religion), we have to start praying, especially in the hours between 12am and 3am. In warfare, it is strategic to detect the best time your enemy will be most vulnerable and hit hardest. Imagine every Christian on earth involving in the act of persistent midnight prayer, then Satan and his dark workers will look for another planet to stay. You can sack those evil occultist operations around your family, town and nation. Let’s not give the enemy any foothold.
The word occult means hidden, secret, concealed or covered over. Satan has exploited the nature of man to search for the unknown to lure him into unwholesome, anti-God spiritual practices. Many have gone into occultism without initially knowing the consequences of their action. When we involve in activities that are not biblical, which open us up to contact the supernatural world, definitely we are into occultism. And Satan is behind and at the head of every occult practice. Each occult practice opens the door for the demons to possess or influence man. The devil’s ultimate aims of these practices are to divert man’s attention from God and also lead him hell. He (the devil) knows that his time is short hence his desperation to see that he gets as many people as possible to join him in hell.
Some of these occultism practices and groups are: –
New Age, Horoscope, Astrology, Secret Societies and Lodges, Yoga, Satanism, Mediums, Fortune telling, Psychics, Metaphysics, Spiritual Heaters, Spiritualists, Campus Cultism, Tribal Cults, Ogboni, Odd Fellow, Freemasonry, Eastern Star, Indian and Eastern Lodges, Clandestine Clubs, Age Grades and Occult Cultural Groups, Gurus and Grand Masters, Rosicrucian Order, Krishna, Eckankar, Wizards etc. They are too numerous to mention here.
In fact some countries have up to a thousand occult groups – (indigenous and imported). And the fact remains that there is no nation on earth that does not have some forms of occultism being practiced in it. Most people who involve in these practices have something in common – the lust for power, money and prestige. And these the devil will promise them without telling them the price and the ultimate consequence of their decisions. There is no free gift as far as the devil is concerned. There are two kinds of people who are today involved in act of occultism. First, are those who deliberately went into it in search of the things we name above – power, money, prestige and fame. Then others are the people who unconsciously, through their practices opened the door of their lives to Satan and his demons through things like: ESP, Ouija Board, Martial Arts, Rock Music,Disco and immoral Music and pictures and Magic Arts. All the devil wants to achieve is to divert our worship and attention from the true God. We will continue next week.
Rev. Agbo is the author of the book, Power of Midnight Prayer, and a minister with the Assemblies of God Nigeria. 08037113283. gabrielagbo@yahoo.com.