Browsing: Nnamdi Kanu

Tell them that the slurs and insults Kanu and his Radio station continue to throw at you has nothing to do with them. Assure them that even if a Biafra is cut out someday, you will never displace them, expel them or otherwise harass them if they wish to continue living, doing business and being a great part of your community…that they will only leave if they wish to leave and NEVER by you sending them out

Failure to give such opportunity can lead to what Nigeria was almost exterminated from where particular blocks voted en mass for a reckless and insanely corrupt candidate that no one liked, simply to oppose the other parts they despise and keep those “other” parts frustrated in never ending terror pogroms under that clueless candidate. Failure to listen to their desire puts the nation in the greatest risk

While I recognize the constitutional rights of any Nigerian or group of Nigerians to freedom of expression, association or agitation for their rights, I am also aware of the fact that most of the Biafran sympathizers are merely ignorant of the true motives of those behind the renewed agitation for the state of Biafra

Those protesting today for Nnamdi Kanu and James Ibori are nothing other than sorry losers. They are the corrupt, filthy, misled and misguided of those who voted for the deadly corrupt former president Goodluck Jonathan. Can this be denied? Are they not the same GEJ till 2019 people? In what world do people turn out and vote their candidate and when he loses, they start gathering arms and campaigning for violent secession? If they wanted to secede, they should not have participated in the elections as I wrote earlier in article, “Biafra’s second defeat…at the polls.”

Soon enough he began telling us about Radio Biafra, gave us the dial and started telling us about a demonstration scheduled for May 31, 2014. I calmly told him to relax on the pro-Biafra enthusiasm as although that dream was not dead, it was quite far from realization. I even placed a bet that the May 31 demonstration would be of no national significance. I won the bet

Secession is not the way forward for the South East. Secession is a watershed event not only for the new state that is created and the old state that is dissolved, but also for neighbouring states, proximate ethno-political groups and major powers. Preaching violence and hate all in the bid to discredit Nigeria and justify the need for the creation of Biafra is not the way to go. It will only end up fueling one purpose, just one purpose: war.