Browsing: kalu

Kalu made the call while representing Nigeria at the Heads of Parliaments meeting at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, United States of America, USA, preparatory for the 6th World Conference of Speakers of Parliament in Geneva, Switzerland, in July under the auspices of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

Just yesterday, Thursday, November 24, 2016, one Paul Onomuakpokpo writing in the lead opinion column of The Guardian advertised his blissful ignorance by making a virulent mockery of Kalu’s defection of and asininely advised other people standing trial to toe Kalu’s steps. The crux of the diseased article by this daft fellow was that the APC was home for criminals who become saints on joining the party! This is sheer scurrility, stupefaction and viciousness of the worst order