“As a result, Jacob’s flocks increased rapidly, and he became very wealthy, with many servants, camels, and donkeys.” – Genesis 30:43
When you are covered by a divine covenant, you will prosper greatly and rapidly. You will be blessed in every area of life. There is always a divine oath behind every divine covenant. True! You saw all these people we’ve been discussing, most times, God swears while giving them promises. He would say, “as long as I live”, “I swear by myself”, “surely”, “I will not fail to”, “I will certainly”, “As long as heaven and earth remain”, etc. And whenever He uses such words, the promises are as good as done. I understand this perfectly because He has dealt with me that way. I remember once He told me that “nothing, nobody shall stop what I want to do with you.” Wow! This gives you all the confidence in the world. And truly the enemy has thrown in all the spanners in his tool box, but the commission gets stronger, wider and more exciting! God’s words CAN NEVER fail!
You will receive the anointing for rapid increase as you read this message in Jesus’ name. Yes, all areas of your life will start reproducing, expanding and flourishing. Look at Jacob; he came to his uncle’s place with nothing but a harassed past, no present confidence and uncertain future. But, as soon as he settled down in Laban’s house, the God of covenant immediately began to bless Laban in every way. Thank God that the man recognised and acknowledged that (remember the same thing happened with Joseph in Potiphar’s house). Carriers! Then, when the man decided to cheat Jacob, God also supplied the young man with divine insight to still prosper from an impossible situation. God by His covenant has sworn to bless you and it cannot be reversed. Praise God!
The guy finally left Laban’s place with great wealth, family, servants, etc. I love the way he personally put it, “I am not worthy of all the faithfulness and unfailing love you have shown to me your servant. When I left home, I owned nothing except a walking stick, and now my household fills two camps!” Genesis 32:10. Oh my God! I always shade tears each time I remember this statement. Do you feel the same? Most times I look back and I say the same thing. You may not appreciate the above powerful statement unless you have passed through the same way. Yes, from nothing God brings out the best. From the rejected, the frustrated, the cast away, the despised, the mocked, persecuted, written-off, foolish He often likes to prove His grace, power, glory, wisdom and love. His is ever- loving and faithful to His promises and covenants.
Even when Jacob and his large family and wealth faced real danger of meeting his angry brother Esau with four hundred strike force on the way, uncertain of what will befall them, God came and ‘wrestled’ with him over night and automatically changed every situation to favour Jacob. Power of Covenant! Fear was turned to faith and courage. Esau’s anger was incredibly transmuted to love instantly. Just listen to this, “Then Jacob went on ahead. As he approached his brother, he bowed low seven times before him. Then Esau ran to meet him and embraced him affectionately and kissed him. Both of them were in tears.” Genesis 33:3-4. Wow!
Divine covenant protects, levels oppositions, build hedge around you and makes sure that all God spoke concerning you come to pass. Did you also notice the unusual volume of angelic traffic that was moving with this man? Divine protection and favour! Covenants truly speak! Do you have one?? Please, though it’s difficult, but we will try to end this message by next week, so we can treat other topics. Give your life today to Jesus Christ if you want to be a part of this divine faithfulness. Write us today. God bless!
Rev. Agbo is the author of the book, Power of Midnight Prayer. 08037113283, gabrielagbo@yahoo.com.