Browsing: Muhammadu Buhari

The PDP said there is heightened tension across the country over the manipulations by the Buhari Presidency, adding that if the UN and the international community fail to intervene and support credible, free and fair election, Nigeria may witness an electoral stillbirth capable of triggering violence and humanitarian crisis in Nigeria and the entire sub-Sahara region.

The party said after a thorough review of the killings, especially that of over 70 soldiers of the 157 Task Force Battalion in Melete, Borno State by invading Boko Haram insurgents, who reportedly sent a threat letter last Friday, to take over military locations in the area, the PDP insisted on clarifications from the Buhari Presidency.

Receiving All Progressives Congress delegation from Benue State, led by Senator George Akume, President Buhari said the Federal Government’s bailout to states and Paris Club funds were basically to alleviate the sufferings of the people, describing misappropriations as unjust and unfair to workers.

The Peoples Democratic Party has said the verdict by former United Kingdom Secretary of State for International Development and member of the UK Parliament, Priti Patel, that the corruption and recklessness of the President Muhammadu Buhari Presidency is responsible for Nigeria’s economic woes vindicates PDP’s position on this administration.