Men are no longer complacent about the issues of infertility with growing incidents of childlessness among couples above 42 years, a fertility expert says.
Dr. Sharon Arigbe-Osula, who is a Fertility Consultant with Rose of Sharon, a Non-Governmental Organisation, made this known in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria.
Arigbe-Osula said men now follow their wives for fertility test and readily submit to treatment and diagnosis.
Arigbe-Osula said: “Our clinics today, we see more and more of male infertility, men never use to go to clinics they just assume it was their wives instead of trying to treat the problem.
“Now, many men are more enlightened they come to clinic with their wives; they see more that there is a male factor.
“It is just that they were not being diagnosed because men never used to walk through the doors of a clinic.”
Arigbe-Osula said there is a decline in quality and quantity of eggs in women above 42 years as they cannot easily conceive.
She said: “You will be amazed that a couple have been married for seven years and haven’t even had one single semen fluid analysis done and you are wondering how are you trying to get pregnant, if your husband will not (undergo)test.
“They need to be fully assessed as a couple, they need to be a diagnosed of what is wrong and then they can offer treatment options and it’s not one-treatment-fits- all.
“Every couple has a treatment that would work for them and that is what they should be accessing right now.
“Also there is the age factor and that the singular most important part of the reproduction is the age of the female partner. So the age of the woman also becomes very important.
“If she is unable to achieve pregnancy after the age of 42 it becomes more difficult because ovarian reserve declines.
“So both the quality and the quantity of the eggs go down and even the most sophisticated treatment becomes very difficult to achieve success because of the age of the woman.”
Men now show more concern about infertility, follow women for tests – Consultant
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