Crisis looms between the University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) and its key stakeholder as the institution’s Alumni Association leadership, is alleging usurpation and undermining the authority of its Executive Council by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Wahab Egbewole.
The brewing crisis was blown out in an open letter to the VC by the Association and signed by its nine States Chapters’ Chairmen.
The Alumni Chairmen alleged that Prof. Egbewole has been using his office to illegally, withdraw “several millions of naira from the said Association’s account by using their influence in the University Campus to instruct the said banks to lien (frozen) the account of the Association and Turn round, immediately, to start withdrawing money in millions of naira from the same liened (frozen) account without any change of signatory”.
In the letter, the Alumni heads referred to a meeting convened by Prof. Egbewole on March 31 at the Council Chamber of the University, where the VC allegedly pronounced that the National Executive Committee led by Dr S. O. Fasakin “duly elected by Congress on 7th March, 2020, be dissolved and, subsequently, appointed certain persons unknown by the Association’s system and Constitution as members of an Organizing Committee of a proposed ‘Unity Convention’.”
The Alumni Association declared in the letter that the the VC’s unilateral decision was unacceptable to the authentic members of the Association.
The open letter reads in part: “As Chairmen of Chapters duly recognized by our existing legal Constitution, we contend that the Vice Chancellor can only act as a stakeholder not and overriding decision maker entity in matters of the Association. Also, we considered it inappropriate that the Vice Chancellor did not invite or involve any of us, as stakeholders, too, in the meeting held on the said Friday, the 31st of March, 2023, that was supposed to be a reconciliation/settlement out of court meeting.
“Consequently, we hereby dissociate ourselves from the purported actions taken by the Vice Chancellor who supposed to be the leader of everyone, but did not present himself so as reflected by his said pronouncement which favoured particular contending sides in the dispute than it does by an inch that of the National Executive Committee which we duly recognized and acknowledged.
“One would have expected, as a way to genuine reconciliation, a situation where the existing National Executive Committee will complete their term in office with necessary adjustment for every member of the Association to participate.
“We have instructed the members of the National Executive Committee to not take part in the activities of the said ‘Unity Convention Committee’ herein refered to because it seek to truncate the four year tenure of the National Executive Committee which we consider as inappropriate and the approach to it alien to the existing Constitution of the Alumni Association.
“For a true reconciliation/settlement to be acknowledged, justice, equal right and fair play must be seen to have taken place.
“As said many times in the course of this contention, we are committed to insisting on the auditing of the Association’s account by a reputable external auditing firm from year 2015 to date.
“Certain individual in this matter should be getting ready to explain their involvement in the illegal taking over of the Association’s bank account at the University’s Micro Finance Bank, UBA and FCMB since year 2021.
“In light of the above, the University via the office of the Vice Chancellor is assisting the culprits who, illegally, withdrew several millions of naira from the said Association’s account by: using their influence in the University Campus to instruct the said banks to lien (frozen) the account of the Association and Turn round, immediately, to start withdrawing money in millions of naira from the same liened (frozen) account without any change of signatory.
“It this is happening at the University of Ilorin that is just teaching us and the entire world that it is possible and practicable for banks to lien (frozen) an Association’s account without a competent court order, but by mere instruction from lecturers who work in the University and who, again, turned around to start withdrawing money from the said account without a due process of change of signatory. It is like the VC is trying to assist the perpetrators to cover up such illegal and ignominious act via the pronouncement made by him at the said March meeting”.
The Alumni body leaders said it wants to take it in good faith that the VC is not aware of the above revelation on the activities of certain persons in the University and, particularly, the Unilorin Micro Finance Bank.
“Now that you have been informed of it, sir, anyone would consider it expedient and most appropriate that your office addresses that rather than to appear to assist in its cover up and drum for a convention of unity where corruption and injustice thrive.
“While imploring our members to remain calm in the tirade of this provocation as you are aware that this matter has been withdrawn from the court following the advice by the presiding Judge in the case, also by a request made by the VC and subsequent meetings by the National Executive Committee with the Vice Chancellor who promised to do justice to the matter” the letter pleaded
The Chairmen restated that the position adopted by the VC as projected at the said meeting did not reflect justice or equity.
Still, they related that they still believe that all “contending issues can still be amicably resolved if another system that accommodate justice and equity is adopted” adding that in this regard, they request that a meeting of stakeholders comprising of Chairmen of chapters be called urgently to fashion out a way forward.
The heads said: “We are willing to join hands with the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellor and all stakeholders to urgently intervene in this matter in order to arrest this avoidable sad development which has brought the image of our dear alma mater into disrepute.”
Meanwhile, the Alumni Association heads expressed hope that necessary and fair steps are taken, on the letter, which they restated serves as their affirmation of the belief in the elected Fasakin led Executive Committee and their resolve to continue to regard him as the National President of our prestigeous Association.”
The letter was signed by Oyo, Ogun, Osun, Ondo, Kogi, River, Ekiti, Benin and Abuja Chapters’ Chairmen of the Alumni Association and copied UNILORIN’s Chancellor, Acting Pro Chancellor and President Nigeria Bar Association NBA.