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In normal times, I would have jumped at an opportunity to celebrate Wigwe, who is certainly one of the biggest revelations in Nigeria’s banking industry in this century. When he took over the leadership of Access Bank, the Bank was no. 5. Today, that bank is No. 1 in terms of share capital, loans, deposits, reach and customer satisfaction.

As soon as he was done with that, he turned towards me and bellowed: “Abati, you are calling us yesterday’s men eh? Very soon, you too will be a yesterday man. When we become today’s people, we will show you what it means to be a yesterday man!”

No Nigerian politician understands this secret of success than the boy from Jada, who has grown to be the man for Nigeria, Atiku Abubakar. God Almighty gives perseverance to very few of his chosen servants. I daresay that Atiku is one of those few chosen and lucky servants of God. He has grasped this special gift and uses it in his political struggles to his advantage.

I suddenly became a bit feverish so I was compelled to turn off the air conditioner. At this point I knew I had to call the doctor, who arrived promptly and took my vitals and blood sample to run a few tests, he advised I take panadol, eat well and have a good rest. Alas that was the end of my day…. No walk for me.

But how possible is this if we continue to seize every opportunity to tear ourselves apart. It is said 10 united people will defeat 10 million people that are not united. It is possible because the 10 that unite are going to use those not united against themselves. It is therefore time for the Yoruba to think and not a time for bickering and dirty politics.

So many people are today ‘wounded’ by the present economic and health crises. They have lost much if not all. Some do not even know where to start from again. They have lost their capital, lost their jobs, their loved ones and even their hope. But listen, you will recover.

Yearly, Nigerians in their thousands still gamble on looking for a better life in Europe. Husbands leave behind long-suffering wives in search of greener pastures. Wives abandon jobless husbands to escape to London in search of the almighty pound sterling. Sometimes, and this may sound cruel, very young children are carted off to grandparents, while their fathers and mothers make a choice between survival and starvation.

Without the basic understanding of the mind or life itself, all sermons and homilies delivered by any Preacher or Priest will appeal only as long as we are within the confines of the four walls at which they were delivered. As soon as we depart such assembly, the very first gusty winds will blow whatever had been heard or learnt away and we will once again be back to our worldly ways.

The above words were used by President Donald Trump to eulogise his brother Robert who just passed on in a New York hospital. He called Robert his brother and his best friend. He said that he will greatly miss him, though he believes they will meet again. At another time Donald said that Robert was a quieter and the easygoing one than himself and the only guy he ever called honey. Wow! The president visited him in the hospital the day before he died. Robert who passed on at the age of 71 was the last of the Trump siblings.

In my last alocution, I expounded more perfectly to you, the things that pertain to the eschatological dimensions of the divine protocol and I took time, in a conversational approach that I maintained throughout the discussion, to explain what it is that is going on, with regard to the COVID – 19 pandemic and I laboured to bring the mind of God to you, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.