In fact, the word of God said that the life of a being is in the blood. Blood speaks. Blood cries. And we can see that physically and spiritually.
Author: Gabriel Agbo
He said that he will punish the children of idolaters and occult people for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generations.
Now, that is not an isolated case. It is an established divine practice. You remember when Sodom and Gomorrah were to be destroyed
God will shock them. They are in for a great surprise. By the time they wake up, you and your people are gone.
Man was originally made not to die but after the fall of Adam and Eve, death, sickness and sin crept in.
Yes, they dress well, ride good cars, live in mansions, and hold enviable positions, but something: sicknesses, problems, habits, sin, etc, are eating them up from the inside.
So, in despair, they packed their boats, came out of the cold water and were washing their nets to go home
Everybody has an assignment(s) that brought them into the world. God did not waste his time and resources crafting a wonderful creature like you. Or haven’t you heard that you are wonderfully and fearfully made? Also look at all the things – the time, the resources, the emotions, the prayer, the love and sometimes planning and expectations put into the process of bringing a baby into this world. Like your parents coming together, the relationship, the expectations, your miraculous conception and formation in the womb, the preparations, your birth and your growth, etc. So much!
You will recover all that you lost! It is always amazing, exciting and awe-striking when we experience God turning around situations that men have naturally written-off.
Another great weapon we have in our spiritual arsenal as Christians is the angel. Angels are mighty and powerful heavenly beings. They are invincible and also most times invisible. That means they always work behind the scene, unseen, yet, unconquerable and unstoppable.
Yes, there is a divine protection, a wall of fire around you. The agents of the kingdom of Satan know this very well.
For example, Leviticus Chapter nine and verse twenty-four said that, “Fire blazed forth from the LORD’S presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar.” Then, book of Revelation chapter four and verse five also said that from his throne come flashes of lightning and the rumble of thunder. And that in front of the throne are seven lamp stands with burning flames.
“He also told us that we should not fight the hypocrites. ‘They are like me’ he said. He continued his speech and said that his time was near; therefore, we should fight as never before and make sure no one enters ‘that place’. So, one of us said to him, ‘we heard that God has sent someone to rescue mankind back to God.’
Believers must understand that at the mention of the name Jesus, every power, every situation, every conspiracy, every gang up must bow!
Supreme simply means highest, absolute. It is the highest authority. The name of Jesus is a great and powerful weapon in the hands of a Christian, especially the prayer warrior. It is always fatal to Satan and the dark kingdom when mentioned by a believer.
Hence, His putting His position and authority as a seal. He wanted them to know that He was still in full control of events
The single, married, old, young today patronise sex toy shops and the manufactures, wisely too, are steadily churning out more alluring and sophisticated ones.
But Joseph added salt to injury when he stupidly shared his God-given dreams about his destiny with them.
Show me a general and I will show you a man with scars and near-death experiences from battles.
Elijah himself was not better off. Like the rest of the Israelites, he was not happy with the godlessness, paganism, demonism, etc, in the nation.