Browsing: Tony Ogunlowo

While some are calling for the control of guns, others are clamouring for them: they claim the Second Amendment gives them the right to own guns to protect themselves. The powerful National Rifle Association, for instance, has lobbied every President in recent years against gun control. Owning a gun is like a birth right to many: they’ll claim people in the family have owned guns for generations and they intend to carry on the tradition. Perhaps, but in the past, people used guns for hunting and not to turn into Rambo, wiping out scores of people!

You don’t need any formal education even though a grasp of the English language and the ability to read the Bible will be an advantage. You don’t need a ‘calling’ from God or have to endure years of studying in a seminary or university. You can pick up a certificate online that will enable you to call yourself a ‘pastor’, ‘bishop’ or ‘prophet’ for next to nothing from the very many fake Bible colleges or universities

Looking to fill the gaps in energy production the government is firmly looking towards nuclear energy as a long term solution. Recently a memorandum of understanding was signed with Russia to design, construct and run four nuclear power plants by 2035. There is even hope the first generator, generating 1,200 MW of electricity, will be up and running by 2025