That goddess at Osogbo called Osun belongs to the group of demonic principalities that the bible described as the “Things under the earth.” Yes, the word of God did not leave us in the dark concerning the hierarchy, residence, operations and the authorities of these operators of the kingdom of darkness. It begins from Satan, principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and so on. Here, they are categorized according to their powers and influence. And Osun belongs to the group of principalities. They are often territorial spirits and fallen angels of immense power and influence, controlling vast land or water. They always have choking control over the affairs of the people living in their territories.
As for residence, some operate from the air like the Queen of Heaven, others from the land, and then, those from the water like the Osun of Osogbo, Queen of the coasts, dragons, Leviathan, etc. They go by different names, languages and manifestations across the globe. This is exactly what God was making us to understand in Exodus chapter twenty, verse four, “You shall not make unto yourself any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: [in the shape of birds or animals or fish]. You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;” Like we said in the part one, Osun is a mermaid which lives in the water, and the ‘fish’ as mentioned above well-represented it. Remember, the typical appearance of a
mermaid is a beautiful woman with long hair and fish’s tail as legs.
But she is not limited by that, we have seen her worshiped as pythons, snakes, crocodiles, fishes, tortoise, eagles, birds, octopus and other creatures. She is worshiped through inanimate objects, images, mirror, etc. I have seen her being worshiped through mirror. She can also appear as ‘call girls’ or elegant ladies living and operating amongst humans or possess humans. It all depends on her motive in a particular circumstance, which will always revolve around idolatry, destruction, contamination, seduction and immorality. In fact, anywhere you see sexual immorality; fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, pornography, amoral music, dances and writings, seduction, inordinate sexual urge, nudity, and beauty pageant; especially, those ones that go half naked and seductive, that is the spirit at work.
I pity those men and women who are in the habit of going to watch half-dressed woman in the name of beauty pageants, they can never escape the influence, control and possession of these dirty and contaminating immoral spirits. And under the control of these demons, they will be doing things that they themselves sometimes hate to do. These half-naked ladies and men and their musical and pornographic counterparts are direct agents of the mermaid spirits. They are strategically positioned and used to disseminate these very powerful, possessing and possessive, destructive sex demons. It also goes beyond that to actually have sex with humans (in the dreams and even physically). True! And all these most times lead to depression, failed marriages, debased character and onto crimes like rape, murder, abuses and even suicide. It has priests, priestesses, worshipers and shrines (known and hidden) all over the place. This is the operations of the mermaid spirits
like Osun goddess in Osogbo. I will also want to state here that almost all the occult organizations have something to do with the spirits in the water. The word of God also talk about it and eluded that Satan; the dragon, leviathan lives in the water. So, it’s like water is the headquarters of the satanic kingdom.
Like we said, it will be very difficult to fully discuss the spirit of mermaid in articles or even in a single book, because its operation is indeed very vast and touches almost every part of our life. God hates idolatry. Sure, idolatry is the most grievous sin as far as God is concerned and it carries very heavy, difficult and terrible divine curses. We will list some of them in the next part.
Now, let me correct something here. I overheard a popular Nigerian musician, Ara, the lady-drummer, on a national TV network’s Saturday late-night magazine programme last week talk about believing in the Almighty God and also in the deities like Osun (Osogbo river goddess), Ogun (god of iron), Sango (god of thunder), Obatala, etc, those she described are her ancestors as a Yoruba of the western part of Nigeria. She said she relates with the big God and the small gods. This is a very wrong and flawed belief. God Almighty is the creator of the heavens and earth; the maker and controller of all things. And He has told us how to reach and worship Him in the bible through Jesus Christ; His only begotten son.
Then, the gods she mentioned and their likes are demonic principalities in the kingdom of darkness. They are branches of Satan. They are territorial spirits. Yes, God created them. They were once angels like Satan (Lucifer), but were cast down from heaven with their master after they rebelled against God’s authority and headship. They are now referred to as fallen angels and demon spirits, and will also be judged and punished at the last day with the Devil and all those they deceived into worshiping them.
Now, like I have said, we must meticulously and urgently begin to sift idolatry and occultism from our cultures, traditions and heritage. Can somebody please pass this very important message to our beloved Ara the lady-drummer. We will continue next week, God bless!
Rev. Agbo is the author of the book, Power of Midnight Prayer, and a minister with the Assemblies of God Nigeria. 08037113283.
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