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The NPFL All-Star team is one of the four clubs participating in the tournament, which opens in the evening ofFriday and the players, technical officials and the delegation arrived in the city of Jerez de La Fontera, a Municipality in the province of Cadiz, on Thursday afternoon

The advice came at a session when Valencia CF of Spain played host to the NPFL delegation to the NPFL All-Star LaLiga tour on Wednesday morning at the club’s 93-year old Mestalla Stadium, during which the club’s Commercial and Marketing Director, Peter Draper, conducted a marketing seminar, presenting the club’s marketing vision as well as touching on global marketing practices

Elsewhere, Japan emerged victorious from a tight clash against Sweden in Salvador which, ultimately, proved to be a win in vain at the Men’s Olympic Football Tournament. Colombia’s victory against Nigeria in Group B’s other game meant Los Cafeteros progressed in second place behind group winners Nigeria