Author: Gabriel Agbo

Rev. Agbo is the author of the book, Power of Midnight Prayer, and a minister with the Assemblies of God Nigeria. 08037113283.

And what was her problem? She felt God has failed her. Though very hardworking, educated, but has not received promotion at work for more than a decade, broken marriage, and recently she also had a ghastly accident that almost took her life

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Yes, He blessed us so much in the past year, but what He is about to do now will surely be unprecedented. He will do some things that are unusual, unnatural, unthinkable and unparalleled for us this year. He is setting aside the usual for the unusual

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I have my breakthrough. That’s what is called PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens).Yes, it can sometimes get tougher, rougher and confusing as you pray, but don’t give up. Pray until you see that your desire, your freedom, your vision come to pass. Please let’s go back to King Jehoshaphat’s prayer

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