And what was her problem? She felt God has failed her. Though very hardworking, educated, but has not received promotion at work for more than a decade, broken marriage, and recently she also had a ghastly accident that almost took her life
Author: Gabriel Agbo
What has the enemy taken away from you? What did you lose because of your disobedience, mistakes or ignorance? Look at it being restored now as you go through this message
Look at what happened at the Pool of Bethesda in John chapter five. The sick man lying there had almost everything against him before Jesus stepped into the situation
Yes, He blessed us so much in the past year, but what He is about to do now will surely be unprecedented. He will do some things that are unusual, unnatural, unthinkable and unparalleled for us this year. He is setting aside the usual for the unusual
I have my breakthrough. That’s what is called PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens).Yes, it can sometimes get tougher, rougher and confusing as you pray, but don’t give up. Pray until you see that your desire, your freedom, your vision come to pass. Please let’s go back to King Jehoshaphat’s prayer
Yes, it is appointed unto man to die, but what we are saying here is that Christians should not die untimely, suddenly, shamefully and without fulfilling all that God has for them. That is it
Has the enemy in any way passed any death sentence on you? Did they give you a date to die? God can reverse that today
When you eventually discover and walk in the knowledge of God’s will for your life it automatically makes it impossible for your life or your mission on earth to be truncated
Every creature hears the voice of the creator. And prophetic instructions are just declaring the definite intentions of heaven on earth and watch them come to pass
Satanic gang-up. I have personally seen them before. But the word of God also said that SURELY THEY SHALL FALL
My God! Yes, this rain of blessings will surely soak you for coming in contact with this message. And not just the rain, it will also come with thunder – a bang! So that people will see and hear what the LORD has done for you
There are some levels of spirits you cannot confront without the prophetic. And there are also circumstances in life that without the prophetic, they would remain impregnable and unsolvable
When you are covered by a divine covenant, you will prosper greatly and rapidly. You will be blessed in every area of life
It doesn’t matter what is presently happening, God will ultimately maneuver all to bring about His glory and your blessing. Go and check this out with everyone that has totally committed to following Him in the bible
If you are sure that He is the one that called you, if you are sure that you are His, you will surely not sink in your current challenge
Idolatry and worship of demons will always bring about the above calamities to man
Sure, these are entities put in place by God to influence the affairs and destinies of men. So, when they go off for any person or people, the consequences are always terrible, even disastrous
We have said so much on this subject. But there is much more than this column can take. So, I suggest you quickly get our best-selling books, Power of Midnight Prayer and Breaking Generational Curses, to learn more
Recently, I asked a young Christian man, born in a Pentecostal church, who his mentors were. And I was shocked to the marrow when he mentioned some notorious cultists
Occultism, witchcraft and false religion are the channels by which Satan and the kingdom of darkness work against God’s kingdom on earth