Your real personality, your love for God will only come out when you throw away or burn those instrument of immorality called sex dolls, toys and vibrators
Author: Gabriel Agbo
You cannot use these toys without contacting the spirits behind them
You are afraid of those enemies because you have not recognized the grace of God upon you. Elisha’s servant had the same problem when the Arameans came with many chariots and horses and surrounded their city
I will like you to know that God is aware of those fears in your heart. Take them to Him today in prayers
What is that project that God gave to you? What is that vision? Do they look so impossible? What is that assignment or mission that you are about to abandon because of barriers and obstacles?
Maybe you’re presently going through ill-health, unemployment, childlessness, disappointment, lack, or problem in your relationship. They are all temporal. The only thing that is permanent is the words (promises) of God
God has been waiting for this time to release these divine provisions to you. Your victory is coming with divine provisions. Heaven is opening for you now
Look at the way of escape that is already created for you. Yes, it will happen suddenly. Get ready!
When God brought Israel out of Egypt, in one move He displaced and decimated their enemies. He changed their statues, vision and also made them rich. Yes, very rich
Now, please permit me to give this application to the issues of night and toiling. Yes, I see another connection between the two words and what actually happened when the day broke. According to the bible, night is a time of groping in darkness. It is a time of suffering and fears
When Jehoshaphat came to the temple of the LORD to seek His favor and deliverance, he started his intercession with praise and worship, “O LORD God of our ancestors, you alone are the God who is in heaven. You are ruler of all the kingdoms of the earth. You are powerful and mighty; no one can stand against you!” He began to extol the virtues, power and the mightiness of God
Now, we want to see some of the immutable divine principles of winning battles. These principles are what I call the 3Ps of divine battle. They are: praise, promise and prayer. But before we come back to these, let’s see briefly what Jehoshaphat did when he got the message of the nations coming against Judah. He was alarmed by this news and he sought the face of Lord for guidance
The two were in the recent past presidential spokespersons and have worked and lived in the villa, so I respect the accounts of their experiences. They meticulously mentioned names and circumstances to convince their readers. They both pointed to some personal experiences and things that happened to their colleagues and others while working there. These include strange and terminal sicknesses, sudden deaths and other mysterious misfortunes to them and their relations
I believe this is the reason why it is wisely said that if you want peace, you must have to prepare for war. True. And I think that was what helped the wisest man ever-lived – Solomon. He was so wealthy, powerful, connected (humanly and divinely), wise, blessed and also militarily prepared that no enemy dared to attack him. The result – he had a very peaceful and prosperous reign. It was not that everybody loved him, but his strength and capability were enormous. He was well prepared for any eventuality. You are in a war
There is no limit to what God can do to bring about His purposes in our life. When He is involved, definitely, nothing shall be impossible. Yes, most Christians don’t actually graduate into this higher faith in God because they have not released themselves to this particular divine reality. Yes, with God nothing is impossible
As you read this message, may the rains of blessings begin now to pour on you in Jesus’ name! Can we go quickly to First Samuel chapter twelve, verses sixteen and seventeen, “Now stand here and see the great thing the LORD is about to do. You know that it does not rain at this time of the year during the wheat harvest. I will ask the LORD to send thunder and rain today.” Wow!
You mean you departed without saying good bye to us, especially to me your only brother. Why? This is very unfair
He will set aside the usual to give us the unusual this year. And I am already hearing the sound of praise for what He is doing in the spirit. Listen, God said that He has blessed us. And when He talks like this, nothing, I mean nothing can stop Him. I heard Him clearly on this. Begin now to rejoice for it is our year of breaking through the protocol. Praise God!
He is setting aside the usual for the unusual. He will break all the protocol just because of you. Now, I will like to define protocol here as a known, familiar, established procedure or process of achieving a purpose or target. God will by-pass all these to establish you this year
od tells you not to be afraid. Look at His mightiness and not the size of the challenge