Without laying too much emphasis on the purpose of this write up, I will like to start by saying: “An achiever does not just wake up one morning and decide to chase his dreams. He conceives it, perceives it, aims at it and goes after it earnestly.” And if success is the opposite of failure, then a man, through this, can choose rules for himself, proceedings and steps to become successful in life.
There is no doubt about the fact that at some point in life, we’ve all made a New Year’s resolution – and then, in most cases, we’ve failed to meet up to them. This year, I want you to change from what have been the norms to what should be.
Here are tips to get better in the New Year:
1. First thing first – put God first: Get God involved in all that you do and you will be surprised to see how things will turn around for you.
- Have a New Year resolution: The beginning of a new year is the right time to desist from old ways of doing things and emulate new ways of doing things. And this is the reason why many people believe in having New Year resolutions.
Research also establish that “those who set New Year’s resolution are ten times more likely to actually change their behavior than those who don’t make yearly goals ” This is because, a New Year isn’t just a time to jubilate and celebrate but a time to think and recalibrate into doing things that will change our life for the better. -
Have purpose for life: It is so much easier to say we all have purpose, but the question is’ how do we identify this purpose? Many people are wandering in the stormy circumstances of life; they are stuck because of lack of purpose. We all do something and we cannot even answer why? The man that knows why will always be the boss of a man that knows how. A pen is meant for writing while a book is meant to be written upon. The purpose of these two items is similar but in reality, they are very different. No pen can serve the purpose of a book; likewise a book can never serve the purpose of a pen, it is absolutely not possible! The genesis of our work on earth, as humans, is to unravel our purpose, notwithstanding your political or religious affiliations. If you have not made effort to discover your mission here on earth, you are just like chaff that heeds to the will of the wind. Know your purpose, know peace!
Don’t live a life of competition: Living a life of competition is boring, in most cases, no matter the height they attain they are always not contented. It is in competition we get to find legion of sharp practices, get-rich-quick-syndrome is also a watchword here. There is always the urge to get ahead of others through any possible means. Shortcuts are being explored to get to the top quickly. You do not need a seer to ascertain a purposeful man, he is always dogged and upright, and most of all diligent, these are people God said would stand among kings and not mere mortals. Most of them are terrible misers, they live to please others. Be different and be you this New Year, competition exists only in school and not in real life because people who try to compete in life end up not completing their life.
Believe in your capacity to succeed: If you think you can’t do something, it doesn’t matter how hard you try – you won’t do anything. But, if you think you can do something, it doesn’t matter how hard it is – you will find a way of doing it. There is nothing impossible for you to achieve this New Year, believe you can and you will.
Learn skills: The world now develops by skills and not certificate. If you want to live a reasonable life years after this year, go for skills. Your certificate may disappoint you.
Increase your ability to earn: A man’s wealth is not the money he has in his bank account but the income he builds. You can start small and aim big. Use what you have to get what you want. Don’t go for what you want with what you don’t have, if you do – you will make no progress.
Control your expenditure: Your problem grows as your money grows which is why it is more ideal to spend money on the things that are important. Don’t spend more than you earn!.
Be built around a specific niche; or use a unique blend of your passions and skills to serve as the answer to a problem faced by a particular segment of the population.
Have a basic financial plan and structures including a personal savings plan if needed, project expenses, and sales goals.
Equip your mind with things that matters most by cultivating the habit of reading because not reading is a level of poverty on its own.
Ask for advice or mentorship from someone who is a step ahead of where you ultimately want to go.
Create a positive mindset and using affirmations to build confidence and let go of your fears and doubts.
Take time training to develop your passion-based skills in your spare time.
Become a volunteer to gain experience in an area you are passionate about.
Find a champion who supports your desires for finding purpose and consult them often.
Seek to understand what you care about the most, what drives you and what change you want to create in the world. Write it down, have conversations about it, and systematically test your assumptions about what gives you deep purpose.
Deeply understand how your passions and skills are valued by others.
Surround yourself with people who will influence your life positively.
Conclusively, I will like to close this with one of Reno Omokri’s word that says “don’t let last Years successes go to your head, or allow 2020’s failures get to your heart. Be your own prophet for 2021. Bless yourself by blessing your year. Have great expectations because life follows your expectations.”
Happy New Year!
Olukoya is an education enthusiast.