In 221 pages, the book lays out the circumstances of the birth, family history, faith and career of Adeyanju Adegbite.
Browsing: Michael Olatunbosun
I was browsing through my shelf recently and found the collection. And I decided to write my review of the work.
His first drama: “Egbon of Lagos,” published in 2013, was winner of the 2014 Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa.
In the collection, Wahala, Shittu breaks from the hold of silence and solitude into a state of revolt, refusing to be held down.
In the 96-page collection, the poet, like a tourist guide, takes the reader through the intricate journey of appreciation of the lines well written and messages well delivered.
Set in the middle belt in Nigeria of the 1980s, the author uses the encounters of the protagonist to tell us a lot about society
Dr. Adebola Ishola is therefore fit to write about the menace of domestic violence in African society.
The book that catches our attention today focuses on malaria, and what we must do to eradicate it from among…
The author opens the book with musings about the state of mind of a person who suddenly discovers her pregnancy.
And it is written by Patricia Abokede, a child rights activist, child evangelist, mentor, life coach and public speaker.
He reports that based on these referenced cases, both young and old people are engaged in killing for ritual, especially with vital body parts missing when the corpses of victims are found.
In the collection of speeches, we find a mine of deep treasure, mined from the innermost recesses of carefully tended minds of the contributors.
There are 20 writers and 20 stories, all arranged into six thematic divisions in this fantastic book edited by Ezinne Ibe and Ngozi Onyesom