The Director General, National Orientation Agency, Mr. Mike Omeri, has sent messages of congratulation to the in-coming Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Aloma Mariam Mukhtar, and the Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Abubakar, on the confirmation of their appointments.
In separate letters to the CJN and the IGP, the NOA Chief Executive commended President Goodluck Jonathan for making the appointments, which he said would promote hard work, dedication and patriotism.
According to him, the appointment of Mukhtar, the first female CJN, symbolizes the government’s commitment to equal opportunities for all.
He therefore urged Nigerians to see the appointments as part of the foundation for the transformation agenda of the government.
He urged the new CJN to see her appointment as a divine call for the building of a society where justice, fairness and the rule of law are the central hallmarks.
On the confirmation of the appointment of Abubakar, the DG applauded him for his commitment to sanitizing the force at a time when expectations of Nigerians and indeed the international community appear to be very high.
The DG said government’s commitment to transforming the nation is built around the capacity of institutions of government, officials and individuals to do the right thing at all times.
“Whether as governments or citizens, we have a duty to shine in our corners, and remain steadfast in doing the right thing at all times. That way we will transform our country,” Omeri said.