Author: Gabriel Agbo

Rev. Agbo is the author of the book, Power of Midnight Prayer, and a minister with the Assemblies of God Nigeria. 08037113283.

If it is really about development, where was this sect when their kits and kin, who led the country for most her independent years, were looting and dumping the country’s wealth in Swiss and other foreign banks? The former military and civilian rulers from that part of the country and the associates are known to be among the richest people in the world. Why didn’t they revolt or were they better-off then?

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Look at the above bible text again. The sun and the moon grew dark, and the stars no longer shine! These were elements that were once bright and favourable. They were put in place to bless us, but all of a sudden, they grew dark and stopped shining. This is exactly what some of us are going through

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Yes, as Christians, God wants us to prosper in everything He leads us to do. He wants us to be like Him. He doesn’t fail in His endeavours. He wants us to grow in our relationship with Him. And He wants us to be in good health, so we can be useful to Him, to others and to ourselves

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There is no doubt that America was founded on Christian principles and this was clearly demonstrated by the founding fathers all over Washington DC buildings, in official documents and historic speeches. God is also mentioned in her constitution and Pledge of Allegiance. So, what has gone wrong?

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The charismatic manifestation of the power of God you see during healing, miracles by genuine ministers of God come from the overflowing presence of God. It is often the demonstration of power of His presence. And this is well illustrated during Jesus’ and the apostles’ ministries in the scriptures. It is not new

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Remember, he once claimed that Pastor Kumuyi of the Deeper Life Church once visited him at Iju, Lagos in 1987 to seek for knowledge, that Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye is his spiritual son and that he made Dr. Goodluck Jonathan president because Jonathan as a deputy governor in Bayelsa State approved him a place to build his shrine in Bayelsa State

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Are you involved in rape, sexual perversion, child abuse, homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, fornication, adultery and other forms of sexual immorality? Know that the judgment of God is already hanging on your neck and your next generations unless you repent immediately after reading this write-up

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Now, a river goddess is a mermaid, a female spirit that lives and operates from the water, river, sea, etc. The male counterpart is called merman. In deliverance parlance, we refer to these as marine spirits or ‘mammy water’. Though I don’t want to pretend that we can fully discuss the activities of these spirits here, but there are few basic things we must immediately know before we continue our discussion

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Now, instead of pursuing this ignoble, retrogressive, anti-social, anti-nature and anti-God legislation, I advise the British Government and other European countries to initiate programs that will stem the growing and alarming rate of unemployment, economic recession, crimes, suicides, murders, lasciviousness, etc. I also call on all British Members of Parliament to reject and throw out this particular bill if it is eventually presented to them

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Yes, you have stayed in that darkness for too long, lost all the hope, wasted a lot of time and resources, suffered, harassed, embarrassed and famished, but the light is now appearing in your situation. I command your day to break forth in the mighty name of Jesus! Let there be restoration in your life

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