The mind is a major tool given to man to produce astounding results. If only we can explore and mine our minds, we will astound ourselves and the world with amazing wonders. You want people to mind you, start mining your mind. Start today. Miracles begin when we make use of our minds, unimaginative miracle results if we put our mind to work.
What you put into your mind, you get in life. E. W. Kenyon said, make your brain work, it will sweat, but it will improve, it will improve until you become the envy of those around. Nothing on earth can stop you if you put your mind to work.
The mind is thus a terrible thing to waste. One of the major differences between the poor and the strong and powerful is in the activeand resourceful use of the mind. The poor use their mind to store up information; their mind is more of a storage tool than a thinking tool. The powerful, on the other hand, are constantly thinking of how to get better. To get better they start out with getting information that can help them solve identified problems in their industry. Because they are useful, valuable and solving problems, their value skyrockets so does their wealth. Pour wealth in your mind, your mind will pour wealth into life.
You can become valuable and wealthy
Everybody wants to become a newsmaker or a world changer, he basic key is to have superior knowledge. Bill Gates does not have a degree but he is knowledgeable, he reads and gulps information the way some people gulps strong drinks. It is not possible to know what he knows and not get result like him. To know that he reads, Google books recommended by Bill Gates, I bet you will be shocked at the volume of book recommendations over the years. We can literally rewrite our stories by going for information that will make us valuable and eventually wealthy.
There are many graduates who roam the streets looking for a job, some of them even havemasters degree but whatever you have without value is meaningless. You need to ask recruiters what they see during interview sessions with so called graduates. If your nation is not thinking of you, or creating a conducive atmosphere for your growth. What do you do? Build your value to the level they will come for you. You cannot be good and not be patronized. You cannot command superior value and not command amazing wealth. Please get busy with building yourself into a global phenomenon. The secret is study materials that will make you solve problems for people, groups and organizations. That is the starting point.
I challenge you to activate your mind for amazing results
I have even heard of stories of graduates who beg to get jobs rather than demonstrate value. I have equally heard of graduates who only had to demonstrate their value to get enviable mouthwatering jobs. What is your worth? The mind is a terrible thing to wastes. I challenge you to activate your mind for amazing results. I heard the case of a LASU graduate who could not get a job. He thought of what to do, he went to Victoria Island and looked for an open space that had access to water. He started a car wash business and before long he got more clients and made so more money than he could ever imagine. He later diversified into other businesses. He now has several investments. How much did he start with? His initial capitals were his ideas. He just knew what to do to turn his life around. Anything is possible if you can make use of your mind.
Is it possible to make it in Nigeria
The poor live a regimented life; they get up in the morning, rush to work, get back home in the evening, watch television and got to bed. At weekends they go visiting. They visit friends and relations. They spend countless hours discussing politics and the ‘bad, selfish political leaders’. Their usual conclusion is, it is not possible to make it in Nigeria. All they need to do is think of legitimate ways to make it here without cutting corners. I want you to know that you can make it here in Nigeria; all you need to do is activate your mind to the world of possibilities.
Blaming others makes your mind idle and useless
They blame others for their state in life. It is either their salary is too small or their uncle is too wicked, he has refused to help them with a good job. The teacher blames the government, the husband shouts at his wife. The government blames the Police and on it goes. If there is someone to blame for your failure or lack of finance, then it will be difficult for you to make it. Blaming others makes your mind idle and useless. Let me point out to you straight, you are personally responsible for your success or failure. Until you believe in yourself, you won’t believe in your future. What happens to you does not make any difference, the major difference lies in how you react to what happens. If your uncle won’t get you a job, go out and get a job and if you cannot find one, think of ways to create one. Think!
The blame game won’t help you either. Why you got to where you are is not as important as brainstorming to get better. Use your brain, don’t make it waste. Why did I go to the Polytechnic, I shouldn’t have married this man. I should have done my masters and so on. That you have failed does not make you a failure. Learn from your mistakes and move on. The past is gone with painful memories but get going, don’t stop, get going, use your mind! You will succeed!