Browsing: Uche Ogah

The fast lane, precisely, is a stereotype that conjures negative imageries. Therefore, it is hardly a compliment for one to be described to be on the fast lane. An unassuming gentleman, Ogah was never known for the fast lane. Save for some criminal charges bordering on fraud and forgery in Lagos law courts, which have dented an immaculate reputation of the soft-spoken gentleman of the oil wealth fame, Ogah has never been identified or associated with the fast lane of life. Until two weeks ago, his reputation spoke of a man who carried himself with so much respectability

But, there is the flip side of ambition. The persuasion to achieve could be a very terrible thing, a very dangerous inner drive and outer resentment. Ambition not guided by law, norm, justice and divine creed is a potential missile of mass destruction and the purveyor of such drive is a horrible danger for mankind. There is no doubt that Uche Ogah, the main protagonist in the failed Abia civilian coup heeded his teachers’ counsel. He is a very ambitious man