The wailing Jamaican philosopher goes on to list other conditions for peace within the human race, singing, “Until there are no longer, first-class and second-class citizens of any nation, until the colour of a man’s skin, is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes, me say war.
Browsing: Tunde Odesola
Even if I spoke in a thousand tongues, I’d be unworthy to touch the hem of Apostle Matthew’s garment.
Your Excellency, did you lie doggo in fulfilment of political correctness? Did you button your lips because what Datti said was wrong?
As we were both born in the 1960s, I’ll not be sheepish, bootlicking and manipulative to “yes daddy” you because it’s not the covenant of God for me to idolise mere mortals in white cassocks, for the Holy Bible says in the Book of Matthew 24:11: “Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.”
“I don’t understand Igbo.” “You don’t understand Igbo!?” he thundered. “You jus dey enter school, yanga don already start!?”
Many traps don’t bear warnings. You’ve just walked into my trappy headline, “Yoruba rascals and Igbo idiots.”
Hehehehe! If you lift your eyes unto the East, and ask from where does your help come, please, discontinue reading this article because your help will never come!
An unforgettable incident happened in June 1969 that made the appellation of a rundown city stick to Cleveland like a mask.
With the explosion of the poisonous glands, the ant releases an irritating substance in all directions.
The water has broken. But no meteorologist is ready to put their certificate on the line and make a forecast.
S-s-s-s-s-h, s-i-l-e-n-c-e! It’s election season, the forest is buzzing with a frenzy; demons are on the prowl, campaigning.
The angry dogs barked the more, advancing and retreating, kicking up more dust, threatening. Whaw! Whaw!! Whaw!!!
Life is hard enough without sniffing drugs. Hard drugs appear in the horizon like golden gates of escape, but they’re…
To put a needle to the inflated balloon of Oluwo’s ignorance, a simple reasoning will suffice in this regard.
Lord, give Nigeria good leaders like Benjamin Franklin, though long dead, his words are still alive, over 200 years after.
Ishiekwene, fondly called Azu, beat Abimbola Adelakun and Tunde Odesola, both of PUNCH, to win the award.
Has he asked himself why Europeans looted from Africa artefacts that he calls deities? Do Europeans worship the looted African artefacts?
Curiosity kills the cat, not the journalist. In this article, I hope curiosity won’t kill me as I poke my nose into ancient palaces to dissect sex and sexuality, not among mortals, but among kings, queens and concubines cavorting in the vortex of conjugal pleasure.
When e dey pain dem, e dey sweet Wike. Now e dey sweet dem, e dey pain Wike. Life is an eternal riddle.
This doctor is as useful to the patient as glaucoma is useful to sight. As a novice, I lay no claim to science but I love the art and science of science.