Browsing: Tony Elumelu

Macron passionately advocated a new partnership, prioritizing the role of entrepreneurship in driving Africa’s renaissance, highlighting the importance of the private sector and urging the creation of a business ecosystem that leverages Africa’s vibrant private sector and most importantly saying Africa’s future was and should be in Africa’s hands

In his capacity as Chairman of United Bank for Africa, Elumelu will travel to Uganda (April 10) and Kenya (April 12) to meet with the Presidents of both nations, Uhuru Kenyatta and Yoweri K. Museveni, to discuss issues around the growth and development of the their economies, enabling entrepreneurship, infrastructure financing, regional economic growth and how the private sector in Africa can work in shared purpose alongside African governments to create prosperity for all Africans.

It is an essential part of African tradition and culture that when people host you in their homes, treat you with courtesy, open their doors to you, even if the dinner they serve you is the worst you have ever had, you are still required to say nice words. Mr Gates’ recent visit to Nigeria was like a special treat

The statement said further: “President Buhari joins the United Bank of Africa, the Tony Elumelu Foundation, the Elumelu family and all professional colleagues of the economist, consummate banker and successful entrepreneur, whose pacesetting antecedents continue to inspire both the young and old on the power of ideas, big dreams and hard work.