We are still discussing what motivates people to go on suicide missions. And we saw that it has some religious, political, psychological, economical, social and diabolical links. Religious because people are fed with satanic teachings that often encourage them to hate or kill others who do not share the same belief as theirs. Like most of the Jihadists, they are promised lots of gifts, which includes receiving 72 virgins in paradise when they murder others. Political, because the sponsors of these missions hide under religion to further their political and economic interests. And unfortunately, they succeed in deceiving these naïve young men and women that they are fighting for their religion or ‘working for God’. Psychological because the bombers or attackers are first thoroughly brainwashed. They are systematically fed with lies against their would-be victims. Socially, because most times the sponsors are carrying out these attacks out of envy. They envy the prosperity of their targets. Then diabolical because a lot of sorcery, hypnotism, charms, drugs, etc, are involved. I believe you read the part one.
But we still want to comment further on the religious aspect of it. Now, if not by manipulation, how would a sane man believe that by killing himself and others that he would be given some virgins to marry in eternity? Virgins from where please? And 72 for that matter? What will you be doing with them in paradise? Then what will be the reward of the female bombers? How many men? Maybe the same 72 or a little less? Because men will always have a little more than women. A continuation of that same old insatiable, inordinate hunger for sexual immorality? At the face, do you really need anybody to tell you the origin of this kind of doctrine? Of course from the prince of immorality – Satan! He has since succeeded in corrupting sex and using it to cause enmity between man and his creator, and he has now moved further to promise SEX UNLIMITED IN ETERNITY with imaginary virgins and wives! In fact, everything about suicide bombing and all Jihads go contrary to the will and the word of the Almighty God. From murder, suicide, false hope, forceful conversion, hatred, envy, inordinate ambition, deceit, lies, covetousness, crime, immorality to polygamy. All in one activity!
As I write, there are tens of suicide bombers being recruited for these demonic missions all over the world and the greatest reward being promised them is this same perverted false hope. There are current intelligence reports in the international circles that these terror groups are low on bombers, so they are on a mad drive to recruit people for these ‘missions of no return’. Some have even gone ahead to kidnap kids for training and are promising them this false marriage in the paradise amongst several other false hopes, if they will go and blow themselves up in other countries. The internet and personal links are some of their platforms for recruitment. Our security and intelligence agencies should take note. They must begin now to initiate and share actionable intelligence on these with other countries that have vast experience in this menace, especially with Israel and the United States of America.
We also need the cooperation of our surrounding neighbouring countries from where these elements sneak their men and materials into our country. Our national orientation and information agencies have not done enough to dissuade our youths from becoming victims of these manipulations. Now, the government MUST start censoring and monitoring all religious preaching, activities and organisations in order to check the activities of these jihadists and their pro-jihad clerics. We must criminalize and punish every of their insidious acts. We must also immediately fish out their internal corroborators and financiers. This is very vital and urgent if we must combat this demonic onslaught. And for Nigeria in particular, we must at all times make sure that they, their sponsors, cronies and sympathizers are permanently (now and in the future) denied access to our political and economic offices. True! Just imagine these terrorists controlling a rich but corrupt, porous, vast and strategically located country like ours. That will definitely be a monumental global disaster. The beginning of the end!
Now, back to the false paradise marriage. What does Jesus say about this? He told the Sadducees and others that there is no marriage, no sex, no wife and no husband in heaven. He said that when we get to heaven or the paradise, we shall be like the angels. The angels don’t marry, they don’t have sex and they don’t give birth. They spend eternity worshipping and serving God Almighty, and they don’t die. And if you won’t die, then, what will be the need to replenish through birth? And if you won’t need babies and sex, tell me what you will need all those virgins or any woman for? Jesus and the scriptures say that there won’t be marriages in heaven. Listen to Him, “Jesus replied, ‘Your problem is that you don’t know the scriptures, and the power of God. For when the dead rise, they won’t be married. They will be like the angels in heaven.” Matthew chapter twenty-two, verse twenty-nine.
Now, the only marriage that will take place in heaven, according to the word of God in the book of Revelation chapter 19, verse seven is the triumphant, historic, ceremonial and symbolic wedding feast of the Lamb and His bride (Jesus Christ and the victorious church). It is going to be a very glorious, royal ceremony where the church as the body and bride of Christ will be decorated and celebrated for overcoming Satan and the sinful world. This is the only symbolic wedding feast that will take place in heaven. And the only people that will qualify to participate are the people who lived righteously here on earth. People who accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour, those who refused to follow Satan in his sinful disobedience and rebellion against God and His word. No sinner – murderer, suicide bomber, Jihadist, liar, fornicator, adulterer, idolater, occult master, criminal, hater, deceiver, betrayer, cheat, hypocrite, etc, or those who love or support them will come into the paradise, not to talk of participating in the many unending glorious, rewarding, blissful, holy and historic events that will be the hallmark of our stay in the kingdom of God. Till next week. Share this message. God bless!
Rev. Agbo is the author of the book, Power of Midnight Prayer, and a minister with the Assemblies of God Nigeria. 08037113283. gabrielagbo@yahoo.com.
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Gabriel Agbo
Rev. Agbo is the author of the book, Power of Midnight Prayer, and a minister with the Assemblies of God Nigeria. 08037113283. gabrielagbo@yahoo.com