With taunting praise songs, Sunday Adeyemo Igboho’s teeming supporters burst into war melody: “Yio she botiwi o, yio she botiwi, Igboho Oosha, yio she botiwi….” In translation, it means that Igboho Oosha who dared, has followed through his threat to rout the Fulani from Igangan. Sleepy Igangan momentarily became a place of historical proportion where Yoruba future liberation actually started. Cynics, doubters, envious rivals, politicians, Yoruba traitors, fearful idiots and anti-Igboho valorous struggle were all waiting to see him wilt with fear as he caved in at the last minute. Not Igboho Oosha! He is a man who has covenanted his life for the emancipation of Yoruba land from the arrogance, terror and mindless killings perpetuated by Fulani herdsmen across Nigeria and Bororo from other lands.
Under our watch, Sunday Adeyemo Igboho dared and fulfilled his threat to run the Fulani out of town. Last Friday, Yoruba might and valour prevailed and tails behind their hinds, the Fulani fled into the bush and melted into the dark night. Yoruba is facing their destiny head on. Igboho is the knight in the shining armour, who, as fate would have it, is leading Yoruba’s first People’s Front for the Liberation of Occupied Yorubaland.
As Igboho Oosha continues to peel away the shame and the false residue of Yoruba cowardice, fossilized in the consciousness of mischief makers, his persona is now being compared to that of a demi-god with worshippers flocking to his grove by the minutes.
On the other hand, pundits, talking heads, chattering classes, separatist merchants, Yoruba far right, Oduduwa supremacists, intellectual rebels, tribal agitators, professional conspiracy theorists, spectator agitators, Internet Yoruba warriors, diaspora Yoruba patriots, Babalawo, Iyalawo, Elegun, Sango, Obatala, Ogun, Osun worshippers, witchcraft covens and Yoruba Imams have all coalesced into a rigid frontline soldiers for an irreversible Yoruba independence. Otoge!!!
All blue-blooded Yoruba sons and daughters except the bastards – internal Fulani collaborators, paid saboteurs, blindsided Governors, Buhari appointees, traitors, lackeys, and ambitious politicians – want the Fulani to end their beastly obsession for Yoruba land now. Yoruba are no longer freezing in firefight with armed Fulani. Our infantry men, green berets, guerrillas, Special Forces, intelligent officers, warlords are today learning how to look death in the face, because, at the end of the day, we are all going to die.
And, you know what, death for the birth of Oduduwa nation, is a noble death. The ruthlessness and terror of the Fulani horde of bandits, rapists, kidnappers and land grabbers have turned Yoruba land into war zones where daily casualties are in hundreds. Even risk assessors will tell you that Yoruba forests are places of death and despoliation. Every farm from Oyo, Ogun, Osun, and Ondo to Ekiti bears testament to the wanton destruction of farm produce through illegal Fulani open grazing banned by Justice Adewale Thompson 52 years ago. In his legal submission of 17th April, 1969, late Justice Adewale Thompson said through Suit no AB/26/66 at Abeokuta Division of the High Court.
“I do not accept the contention of Defendants that a custom exists which imposes an obligation on the owner of farm to fence his farm whilst the owner of cattle allows his cattle to wander like pests and cause damage. Such a custom if it exists, is unreasonable and I hold that it is repugnant to natural justice, equity and good conscience and therefore unenforceable…in that it is highly unreasonable to impose the burden of fencing a farm on the farmer without the corresponding obligation on the cattle owner to fence in his cattle.” Sequence to that I banned open grazing for it is inimical to peace and tranquility and the cattle owners must fence or ranch their animals for peace to reign in these communities.”
Fifty two years on, Fulani cattle nomads have been recklessly disobeying that legal pronouncement. Half a century on, the Yoruba are contending with one of the most deadly terrorists in the world – armed Fulani herdsmen invaders. Northern Nigeria theocratic conservatism, myopic Fulani politicians and Emirs, fed with the Allah mandated orthodoxy that Nigeria is their birth right, have confined the Fulani people into poverty and destitution. The generational Bedouin cultural mentality of Jihadism, camel and cow worshipping, converting to Islam through crusade, attachment to violence and brutality have all worked against their collective advancement.
As we progress and marched into modernity in Southern Nigeria, the North watches with wistful envy. Rather than embrace the digital age with all its limitless opportunities, successive Fulani leaders worked against the corporate progress and prosperity of Nigeria. They destroyed education. They appropriated all the best ministries and embarked on a shameless policy of capture, nepotism, exceptionalism and privilegism. With the cocky support of ‘their’ armed forces, Nigeria, a secular nation in theory, became also a nation that practices Sharia in the empty quarters of the North.
It is a known fact that Fulani had always wanted to own their Northern desert landscapes of scorpion and rattle snakes and also the lush vegetation of the South. This clannish dream has never been hidden. We only refused to listen. Northern provocateurs had been with us but we did not take their bombasts seriously. They have been throwing provocative sorties at us but we were unconcerned. First, in March 28, 2005 the former Emir of Gwandu, Major Mustapha Jokolo, had, under the auspices of Nigerian Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs complained that, “We Muslims have been pushed to the wall and it is time to fight…Obasanjo is trampling on our rights and Muslim must rise and defend their rights. The more we continue to wait, the more we will continue to be marginalised.” Lest we also forget, in 2012, Boko Haram gave a quit the North order to all Southerners. In April 2014, one Islamic scholar, Dr Usman Bugaje, at a Northern Leaders’ Conference, claimed that the oil wells of the Niger Delta belonged to the North.
On 3rd of January 2021, the Fulani Nationality Movement (FUNAM) through its President, Badu Salisu Ahmadu said, “We have said it over and over, that Nigeria is the only inheritance we have in Africa and anywhere in the world. This land belongs to us, from Sokoto to the banks of the Atlantic Ocean. This was the destiny bestowed on Uthman Dan Fodio which would have been fulfilled since 1816 if not for the obstruction of this great assignment by the British. It is no longer time to play the ostrich. Our men are waiting. We are eager to fight. We are boiling with the zeal to actualize our dream; enough of double dealing and ambivalence by FULANI political leaders who unfortunately think the FULANI can only take back what belongs to us through appeasement and elections destined to reflect cultural values antithetical to the preachings of Uthman Dan Fodio.”
Again, echoing the ownership/appropriation narrative, the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association (MACBAN) through his agent provocateur and National President of the Association said on Sunday 24th January 2021, “All the lands in this country belong to the Fulani, but we don’t have any business to do with land if it doesn’t have areas for grazing; if the land doesn’t have cow food, we won’t have any business with it. We don’t sell land, we don’t farm. What we consider is the areas that have cow food. If the place is good for grazing, we don’t need anybody’s permission to go there.”
Today, Nigeria has been torn into primordial ethnic cleavages. It has been deeply and superbly polarised by President Muhammadu Buhari who is an unrepentant Jihadist, theocratic rascal, nepotist, Fulani protector and paymaster. In five years, Buhari has succeeded in accentuating our conflictual faultlines that had been hobbling us since 1940.
Those faultlines are located in Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Saudana of Sokoto, feudal-theocracy versus Chief Obafemi Awolowo secular-democracy version. The feudal-theocracy version was best articulated by Sir Sardauna Ahmadu Bello when he said in 1960, “The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great –grandfather Uthman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities of the North as willing tools and the South as a conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us, and never allow them to have control over their future.”
However, Obafemi Awolowo calibrated his secular-democracy when between 1978 and 1979 he said: “In order that Nigeria may achieve rapid economic progress and establish an egalitarian, just, democratic and peaceful society we of the Unity Party of Nigeria are resolutely determined to pursue the following: equal opportunity for every Nigerian; equality under the law; extermination of ethnic hegemony; dethronement of mediocrity where it exists, guaranteeing for every Nigerian no matter his place of birth or state of origin, equal access to the good things of life.”
The destiny of Nigeria had always been locked within these two opposing ideological struggles and until one ideology cancels out the other, this nation will remain unstable, backward, bankrupt, poor, divided and a breeding ground for international terrorism. To save the remaining Yorubaland from being stolen like Kwara and Kogi states, the caliphate Fulani has to be kicked out of Yoruba land. Very fast! Caliphate North has to be confined to the North if the ethnic nationalities will ever come to reality. Today in Nigeria your ethnicity shapes your future. Igboho Oosha has come as our template, a pioneer, a pathfinder, a cross bearer and a deliverer to all the threats and dangers of Fulani captured above. The Sardauna’s Nigeria Project is ongoing and the present generation of Fulani will implement it to the letter. The auguries are too real to be dismissed.
Yoruba Ronu. One nation advocates and Fulani sympathisers in the Yoruba land must now repent and defend their own people. Our Soro Soke moment is here. Yoruba politicians are under serious scrutiny. Having faith in Nigeria’s unity is futile. The 1999 constitution is an evil parchment drawn up to allow Fulani to dominate and exploit other Nigerians under a façade of democracy. Igboho Oosha is our Homeric figure who is ready to endure deprivation and sacrifice for the Yoruba nation. Yoruba nation should not go into 2023 election if ever it happens.
Yoruba must also take account of the fact that decades of primitive accumulation and looting by the Yoruba political elites has become formalised and a personality like the demonised Bola Tinubu, who nurses daily delusion to rule Nigeria the way it is, will be looking for dissembling tactics to weaken Igboho Oosha and his brave Yoruba fighters. Tinubu, majority of the Yoruba reckons, has never been moved by the unremitting sorrow of victims of Fulani herdsmen attacks for fear of the generic authority of the Fulani-in-Chief who may derail his dream – a dream that is in tatters!!!
Bola Tinubu, the self-appointed Asiwaju of Yoruba, who should have been ahead of his oppressed subjects as he marches historically to Igangan, but no, the coward was in Bourdillon assembling anti-mobilising tactics to defenestrate Igboho Oosha. Iba Gani Adams, the Are Onakankanfo of Yoruba land has so far lost moral right to that title. It is a sacrilege to all the gods of Yoruba land to imagine that a Generalissimo (War Commander) could watch his subjects being killed like chickens by Fulani herders and their foreign Fula enablers. So also are the deafening silences of Yoruba Obas – the new scourge of Instagram Obas! Meanwhile, Igboho Oosha has accused Babafemi Ojudu of the worst form of yellow and crude journalism for inferring that they had ever met. The sting in Ojodu’s tale was that Igboho Oosha once met him in Ekiti state. Igboho Oosha angrily denied this.
Hard on the heels of Ojudu’s journalistic infamy, January 26, 2021, at 3:30am to be precise, eliminationist cowards torched Igboho Oosha’s Soca residence. Judas among the Yoruba are now at work. Anti-Yoruba freedom politicians are now hiring hooligans and assassins by the platoon to neutralise Igboho Oosha and all the more desperately to pacify Buhari – a man known for his addiction to Fulani global hegemony, Islamisation of Nigeria, ethnic bigotry and nepotism.
Agitation for a free Yoruba land will soon have its own veritable rogue’s gallery of traitors, saboteurs, collaborators, character assassins, defectors, denialists, turncoats, deserters, subversives and cowards. Igboho Oosha must now pledge daily allegiance to eternal vigilance. They enemy will be looking for every way either to assassinate, kill, maim or co-opt, intimidate, induce, woo and settle him. Already the trap to seduce him to head Amotekun has been turned down. That snub from Igboho Oosha is salutary. This is a thinking Yoruba man. Hear him: “Nobody should try to induce me with any position. That is not what I want. I am asking them (Governors) to send killer herdsmen out of our land. That is what I want.” Igboho Oosha should now watch his back and beef up his security – day and night!
This is yet another betrayal and recapitulation from Yoruba governors. Governor Seyi Makinde is seen as internal traitor. Fear and political ambition in the face of provocative annexation of our ancestral lands have turned our governors into ambivalent zombies. Cowardice, compromise and submission will not insulate Yoruba against certain future ethnic bloodbath.
That is the uncomfortable fact. African Fulani Arab are bloodlust desert tribe. They believe in violence. Pacification will only accelerate their conquest of the Yoruba land. They will neither surrender nor leave Yoruba land. They will not go quietly. They will only go when we all begin to learn a painful reality: stand up and fight!