Everyone goes through a certain type of depression. But depression is LOSS OF THE SOUL. There is a difference between sadness and temporary loss of joy. No one becomes depressed until you are clinically certified depressed by a renowned psychiatric Doctor.
This is after a full profiling, asking questions and forms to fill to diagnose whether it is mild, moderate or acute depression.
Signs of a depressed person
1. Insomnia
2. Loss of appetite
3. Tremor
4. Nightmare
5. Cold/hot feeling
6. Anxiety
7. High blood pressure
8. Wandering and wavering negative thoughts
9. loss of self confidence
10. Self pity
11. Suicidal thoughts
12. Loss of interest in sex, friends, hanging out
13 Poor dressing.
Find help from experts, a psychiatric doctor who will profile you and recommend medication. If it’s mild, the person may not be given a prescription, but will be given a therapist who will have to counsel and monitor the person, else it can slide into acute depression if family care does not come into play.
Depression is not insanity. A psychiatrist is not a mad people’s doctor. It is another kind of advanced medicine or treatment for your mental stability. They are specialists who cure such ailments.
Causes of depression
It is caused by sudden changes in life expectation. A kind of entitlement mentality and failure to achieve set goals.
When there is loss of a loved one. A breadwinner of a family. Sudden disappearance of a comfort, loss of job, loss of money, loss of a spouse, divorce, childlessness, loneliness of no partner, etc.
The above changes in life expectations are causes of anxiety, trepidation and eventual depression. I want to emphasise that there is a season for everyone. When there is divorce in a family, the children also get traumatised and they get depressed too. That is when on careful examination a once upon time active child becomes moody and secluded.
Depression is from the devil because a summary of depression is lack of faith. Once faith is drained out of the life of a person, fear sets in. And fear is a tormentor. Torment is worrying about the future, worrying about death, worrying about aging, worrying about how the next income would come, worrying about this, worrying about that. If anyone worries from now till tomorrow, it causes cardiac, diabetes, cancer, brain tumour, stress, fatigue and blood pressure ailments. A huge number of sicknesses and diseases are caused by anxiety, which now metamorphoses into different names as I mentioned above.
Depression, no matter the degree, is CURABLE. Accepting that one is depressed is the first step to recovery.
There are oral medications that doctors prescribe to calm the nerves, reduce the cold sweat and unrest in the head. It comes in milligrammes. Depending on the degree, the doctors can place sufferers on 50mg, 40mg, 20mg, 10mg, 5mg dosage over at least a period of 365 days and as days progresses in recovery, the dosage reduces.
There is power in music, especially Holy Spirit-inspired worship and praise songs. Artists like Dunsin Oyekan and Nathaniel Bassey bring down the power of God. Since depression is a death of the soul like I mentioned earlier, worship songs bring down an atmosphere like heaven. So continuous listening of anointed worship songs help build faith, over time and speedy recovery.
The Word
I boast to say that the Epistle is the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. There is power, in the word of God. I researched and saw that anyone who is depressed gets healed by study devotion to God. How? The different books in the new testament (WILL OF GOD) mean different things. Colossians, Ephesians are specifically for depression. When you read it, with understanding, it tells you how God defeated Satan and gave you the key to success, total and mental wellbeing. The book of John will show you the ministry of Jesus Christ, the blood, the water and the Spirit. The healing ministry of Jesus Christ and His willingness to save everyone who sincerely calls out for mercy. Romans tells you about how a person is declared righteous and it destroys the finger of Satan and his accusations. YOU ARE NOT A SINNER, JESUS TOOK YOUR ACCUSATION AND GAVE YOU A RECEIPT OF RANSOM. Hebrew talks about a Priest by the order of Melchezedec and all the promises of God to anyone who believes in Him. Take time each day to relax in a comfortable place, read the good news of Jesus Christ in the Bible and have a pen and jotter, write down the parts that cause bubbles in your spirit.
Holy Spirit
Anyone who speaks in tongues can never be depressed, have BP or any sickness. That is the highest communication in the realm. The Spirit of God is praying for you with groaning you cannot alter. It helps to address pain, sorrow and makes principalities melt away. By constant studying of God’s word, you can speak in tongues because what constant study does to you is renewal of spirit, it charges and activates your Soul to be healthy. So covet earnestly to have it.
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Holy communion
This is the covenant that by faith as a person CHEWS the bread, as it melts into the mouth, Jesus’s body repairs your body, your flesh repairs, your soul repairs, and as you drink the blood, your own blood renews and get purified. This is a covenant that God gave Heaven’s best, which is Jesus Christ, his treasured son. His ascension means we are seated with him in a place diseases cannot penetrate. I want to tell a depressed person to buy the Holy communion in shops and practice to take it everyday and proclaim health.
A depressed person must fast. Fasting means abstaining from food. Depression is demonic. Fasting tears it off. It is a way of being spiritually above your physical strength. It makes one light and easier to prophesy health and tranquillity
This is a good time to kneel and shout: thou son of David, have mercy on me. Because a depressed person feels better mostly at night, use the time to pray warfare prayers, ask someone to join you over the phone or physically, prayer of Colossians and Ephesians and a portion of psalms into your vigil.
Since a depressed person is someone who is dead in the soul, let the depressed person say what is expected of the positive. I am happy, I have joy in my soul, I have exceeding joy, I have peace overflow, I am not depressed, I have the mind of Christ, I am out of depression, I shall live I am righteousness, Jesus Loves me, greater is He Jesus Christ that lives in me than depression. Anxiety under my feet, suicide under my feet, insomnia under my feet, Jesus wore a torn of crown, that I will have sound mind, I have sound mind. Keep declaring what is desired over the ugly situation and circumstance. It will fall in place. An example, place a cup of muddy water or a basin of muddy water, the more clean water is poured, the clearer the muddy water becomes. So is the word of God. Declaration, music, Holy communion, fasting, vigils, worship etc.
Reading Books
In a depressed time, it is sometimes known that the person maybe out of employment, the best thing to do is invest in books talking about Grace, Faith, Righteousness. Authors of great faith based book:
1. Yemi Davids
2. Kenneth Hagin
3. Joseph Prince
4. Joyce Meryer
5. Max Lucado.
Their books are free online. There are good sources to help you gain freedom over depression.
It secretes serotonin into your brain and it boosts your mind, mood and makes blood pump into the brain that gives a suitable mood.
Finally, since depression always forces people into seclusion, do the opposite of what your mind tells you. Shower, shave, shine, keep a positive spirit, avoid people with a negative mind set, Only God can heal depression.
You are responsible for your mental wellbeing
Guide your heart by censoring movies, steer clear from social media, put phones on silent mode, never stay alone at home, eat well and focus on the promises of God and not on the present situation
. Lilian Mabeek is a writing enthusiast who enjoys captivating her readers with everyday happenings or experiences as it best soothes each person, having similar and peculiar reactions and interaction with daily life occurrences. As an inspirational writer focused on indelible prints of positivity of the minds on anyone reading a line or pages as it were, she prefers not to delve into negative stories or publications, but rather intentionally purges the minds of readers to awaken to a beautiful world where endless joy is found and possibilities exist. For Mabeek, her purpose is to bring peaceful memories, coexistence and friendliness to the mind of anyone who reads her daily digest. You can describe her choice of expression as a daily English usage for better comprehension among readers of all educational qualifications. Mabeek’s passion for writing was borne out of ensuring that anyone reading any publication will find pleasure, humour, laughter and an appreciation of whatever is being written about, but ultimately avert stress, anxiety, depression and any form of life challenge. As a social commentator and public relations consultant, for her the pen is a tool to the heart of the society, bringing public enlightenment that it pays to focus on positive narratives and creating a greater image for Nigeria.