Video games are arriving at the forefront of technology; it has become a regular activity engaged in by most of the students. It is an electronic interactive game known for their vibrant sound effect and graphics.
The playing of video games is by no means a new phenomenon, especially among students. Students spend their time in excessive video games to the detriments of their studies, thus resulting in mass failure in their academic pursuit. It is commonly played by the males and they engage in games using their phones, play station, laptop and even desktop.
Video games are a unique form of entertainment because they encourage players to become part of the game. Although, video games have been available for more than a decade, today, sophisticated video games require players to pay constant attention and students engage at deeper levels – physically and emotionally – than people when watching a programme on television.
Students are particularly attracted to video games for a variety of reasons. Fantasy characters and situation appeal to young people’s imaginations and provide an escape route from everyday routine and the stress presented by lecturers, friends and even the school.
Games give students a level of control and most time they will want to exemplify what they play. Most time in the University, you will see students after playing Grand Theft Auto, they will want to drive recklessly and they end up damaging their cars and even injuring themselves.
Videogames have negative effects. Students who regularly play video games, especially violent ones such as God of War, Mortal Kombat and Grand Theft Auto, are more likely to take those risks, increase aggressive thoughts, feelings and even behaviours because in video games, students are rewarded for violence, aggressiveness and vengeance. They teach students the wrong value.
Video games addiction is very bad because students who engage fully in video games tend to argue a lot with their lecturers, skip assignments, isolate themselves and even poor performance grades.
Although playing video games can be fun, students should limit the amount of time they spend playing games. They should play more of educative games like scrabble, puzzles, chess among others and at the same time they should put more time and efforts into their studies.
Halima Sadia Muhammed is of the Department of Mass Communication, University of Maiduguri.