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The keynote speaker, Dr. Yemi Kale in his presentation titled: State of the Nigerian Macroeconomy: Implications for Consumers and Workers, pointed out that the nation’s economy has potentials for growth, based on its huge youth population, large market, abundant natural and human resources and significant developments in the tourism, telecommunications, manufacturing, and technology industries.

Herbert Wigwe, Group Chief Executive Officer of Access Holdings PLC, speaking on the purpose of the bank’s strategic expansion efforts starting with France, said, “Access Bank PLC, today, has a very strong presence in the United Kingdom, but coming on the heels of Brexit, there was a need for us to establish a presence in another country in Europe and France provides a very strong platform for us to do so. Beyond that, Access Bank has a great presence in the Francophone world that relies significantly – in terms of trade – on France, so, Access Bank in Paris will work to support trade possibilities and trade finance solutions to businesses in those regions, ranging from large conglomerates to SMEs and more. 

SERAP urges  Malpass to reopen a discussion on the reportedly approved $800m loan with the incoming administration to clarify the details on the rationale and use of the loan because the term of office of the government of President Muhammadu Buhari ends in May 2023.

The $100,000 Prize maintains the heightened level of interest experienced in 2022 when about 107 entries were received. The 2023 entries will compete for the best “Innovation for Enhancement of Healthcare Therapy,” a theme adopted by the Advisory Board of the Prize for this year’s competition.

Always at the forefront of adopting new technologies, professionals in the digital marketing space have embraced a variety of AI tools. Those tools are used for everything from generating creative collateral for campaigns to ensuring that they’re as personalised as possible and, ultimately, to analyse campaign performance. 

Dele Alimi, Director General/Chief Executive Officer of The Institute of Directors Nigeria (IoD) said: “The year-long celebration is expected to climax with an anniversary gala, scheduled to hold on Wednesday 17th May, 2023 at the prestigious Eko Hotels and Suites at 5pm prompt.”