Browsing: Rev. Gabriel Agbo

What quality of worship and service are you giving to your creator? Yes, sacrifices have degrees and qualities. Your level of commitment to God will always also determine His level of commitment to you

Every creature hears the voice of the creator. And prophetic instructions are just declaring the definite intentions of heaven on earth and watch them come to pass

There are some levels of spirits you cannot confront without the prophetic. And there are also circumstances in life that without the prophetic, they would remain impregnable and unsolvable

If it is really about development, where was this sect when their kits and kin, who led the country for most her independent years, were looting and dumping the country’s wealth in Swiss and other foreign banks? The former military and civilian rulers from that part of the country and the associates are known to be among the richest people in the world. Why didn’t they revolt or were they better-off then?

Look at the above bible text again. The sun and the moon grew dark, and the stars no longer shine! These were elements that were once bright and favourable. They were put in place to bless us, but all of a sudden, they grew dark and stopped shining. This is exactly what some of us are going through

Some come to God, others go to the hospitals, while millions still go to satanic agents like the false prophets and other demonic healers; who pretend to be helping but end up attracting more problems to their victims

The devil does not want the marriage institution to succeed, hence his attack on it through this kind of teachings, immorality, divorce, polygamy, betrayal, confusion, childlessness, economic strangulation, spiritual, ritual and idolatry desecration, etc

Now, a river goddess is a mermaid, a female spirit that lives and operates from the water, river, sea, etc. The male counterpart is called merman. In deliverance parlance, we refer to these as marine spirits or ‘mammy water’. Though I don’t want to pretend that we can fully discuss the activities of these spirits here, but there are few basic things we must immediately know before we continue our discussion

Yes, you have stayed in that darkness for too long, lost all the hope, wasted a lot of time and resources, suffered, harassed, embarrassed and famished, but the light is now appearing in your situation. I command your day to break forth in the mighty name of Jesus! Let there be restoration in your life

Why pray in the midnight? Midnight (or hours between 11.00pm and 3.00am) is known to be the most spiritual active period of the day. You will notice that dreams, revelations, attacks, visitations from the spirit world (both by angels and demonic powers) often come by this time, especially when you are sleeping.

They graphically, in details, with clips, pictures narrated how Joshua abuses women, whites, blacks, minors, choir members, sisters of same parents, wives of his workers and pastors, etc. Even Bisi confessed she was also mercilessly, thoroughly abused, used, manipulated and rendered useless by this man