Browsing: NOI

Considering that internet penetration is only about 49 percent within Nigeria and essentially they are urban based covering about 30 percent of Nigerians who live within the cities, it totally blacks out the opinions and choices of no less than 70 percent of the rural voters. Statistics show that Nigeria’s predominant internet users are the youth aged between 16 – 40 years. Furthermore, in this case some of the respondents on our social media platforms are in such far-flung countries like Vietnam , Belarus  and Papua New Guinea. Permit me to bring my wide travelling experience and its geographic implications to bear on this issue. Within the Asian sub-continent the majority of the Nigerian diaspora community are from the South East and South south. The Europe and American continents hold out more South West diaspora folks. Likewise if you want to be fair to northern candidates in any kind of survey, you go to the Arabian Peninsula covering Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Dubai etc.