Browsing: Muhammadu Buhari

Buhari, on December 6, 2018, declined assent to the bill for the fourth time, saying he is “concerned that passing a new electoral bill this far into the electoral process for the 2019 general election which commenced under the 2015 Electoral Act, could create some uncertainty about the applicable legislation to govern the process.”

The party said in a bid to further conceal the sleazes of the Buhari Presidency, the Presidency handlers have gagged the confession of one Amina Mohammed, paraded by the Department of State Services, who revealed in her open confession that persons close to Buhari were involved in serial fraud and looting of public resources under official cover.

The Young Progressive Party has described the refusal of President Muhammadu Buhari to sign the amended Electoral Act as forwarded to him by the National Assembly as “a high level display of hypocrisy by a government professing commitment to a transparent and nonviolent elections come 2019, yet promoting actions capable of setting the country ablaze.”