Browsing: Godswil Akpabio

Addressing Akpabio, the President of the group, Akparawa Monday Etokakapan, said they were in his office to to thank him for the selfless service he rendered to the people of Akwa Ibom State through the uncommon transformation and development the state witnessed under his leadership

Akpabio, who once again used the opportunity to declare his innocence on the allegation of mis-management of public funds, while presiding over affairs in the state, said: “As a law abiding citizen, who did the best for our people, I bear no grudge against anybody who petitioned me because my visit to the EFCC afforded me the opportunity to clear my name and explain to them how government works

Receiving the award, Chief Akpabio who was represented by his Commissioner for Information and Communications, Mr. Aniekan Umanah, in company of the Special Adviser, Bureau of Technical Matters, Engr. Etido Inyang, dedicated the award to God and the people of Akwa Ibom who gave him the mandate to lead the State as Governor

“You know our economy is still dependent on oil until we move it away from oil, that is why some of us are emphasizing creating an economy beyond oil” According to the Governor, he has already initiated the “Delta beyond oil” programme which he noted was aimed at focusing on other areas of revenue other than total reliance on oil