Browsing: Femi Fani-Kayode

The question is why the double standards? Is our blood not red as well? Are our lives not as important as that of others? If Al Shabab in East Africa, the Islamic Salvation Front in Algeria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Al Qaeda in the north African Sahel and in the Middle East, the Mehdi Army in Iraq, Abu Sayyaf in the Phillipines, the Janjaweed in the Sudan, the Lords Resistance Army in Uganda, Hamas in Gaza, Islamic Jihad in the West Bank, the Islamic International Brigade in Chechnya and the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan are labelled as terrorist organisations by the Americans then why is Boko Haram of Nigeria exempt from that same label?

The latest of those books, titled “Soldiers Of Fortune- Nigerian Politics From Buhari To Babangida (1983-1993)”, is no different from the others in the sense that it is written in the same Siollunian tradition of excellence, courage, honesty and insight. The author carefully walks us through the complicated events that afflicted Nigeria between 1983 and 1993 with his usual accuracy and candour

All these names belonged to great and noble men and women who made their mark and created a great legacy for their respective nations and peoples even though some of them were murdered, jailed and cut short whilst doing so. Yet in the end each and everyone of them triumphed because they made a difference to their generation and to those that came after them from generation to generation

My grandfather, Sheik Nurudeen Sa’id, who was half Fulani and half Yoruba, got married to my grandmother, Alhaja Abeke Sa’id (nee Williams), who was a pure Yoruba woman. She was also known as ”Mama Ofin”. She was from Lagos (Isale Eko) and she was the daughter of Alhaji Isa Williams, who was a key leader in the muslim community and the richest businessman and trader in the whole of Lagos in his days

You can humiliate those who stand for me, you can pour scorn on those who love me, you can threaten those who speak for me and you can bribe those who work for me. You can plan, you can scheme, you can assign and you can direct and delegate destruction at my doorsteps and at my gates. You can intimidate and torment and you can use your kingly power to abuse and to destroy. You can make our destruction your eighth point agenda and you can commission your minions to ensure that it is perfected. You can do all these things yet ultimately you will fail because, like all beastly tyrants, you have forgotten the power of God in all your subterranean wickedness and in all your sinister schemes

Why would our ”today’s man” FCT Minister budget N5 billion for the ”rehabilitatioin of prostitutes in the Abuja”? Why would he budget N7.5 billion for a new ”FCT city gate”? Why would he budget N4 billion for a house for the First Lady? Why would the Federal Government of ”todays men” budget N1 billion for food in the Villa? Are these the priorities of ”today’s men and women”?