Browsing: American University of Nigeria

The American University of Nigeria (AUN) has announced the President of the African Export-Import Bank, Professor Benedict Okechukwu Oramah, as Keynote Speaker at its 14th Commencement Ceremony on May 27th. Oramah, who holds a 1991 Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, is a Professor of International Trade and Finance.

The AUN Commencement ceremony scheduled for Saturday, May 21, 2022, will be exceptional. The graduating Class of 2022 is top-notch and industry-ready; it comprises very bright young men and women who have passed through a rigorous academic program in a liberal arts curriculum that inculcates critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

AUN, whose Governing Council had approved full compliance with the Federal Government of Nigeria’s directive to all tertiary institutions to close down as a precautionary measure against further spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, will begin course delivery through online channels with effect from March 30, the Vice President for University Relations, Dr. Abubakar Abba Tahir, announced on Monday.

How was I going to achieve these contradictions? I reached out to my 14-year-old son who incidentally is in the audience today. I asked his opinion on how I should go about it. He rolled his eyes with a bored look on his face in a way that had only been perfected by teenagers and said to me with a voice as deep as he could muster; one I’m guessing in his opinion is laden with wisdom. He said: “Mum, be short, be relatable and don’t steal their thunder”