After an afternoon of programmes for children, youths and young adults, the night of the third day of the 2020 Convention of the Redeemed Christian Church of God was devoted to ministration and healing.
As in the practice of the church, there were no dramatic scenes of people jumping and being handed microphones to give testimonies of instant healings.
Even if it were the practice, that was not possible in a virtual convention.
In a church where laying of hands by the General Overseer, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, is no longer possible because of the large number, members believe that once healing is decreed or proclaimed by the General Overseer, “it is done.”
People from all over the world have testified to that, and as a member of the church in Lagos observed, it must be one of the reasons for the large participation of people in a virtual convention.
There were expectations of signs, wonders and miracles on Wednesday night as Pastor Adeboye preached a sermon on: “The Wonders of Creation,” with a text from Psalm 139, verse 14: “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”
Some people initially found it difficult to relate the title to healing, but it soon became clear that if “everything God created and may be creating is good,” then he didn’t create man to be dysfunctional.
Citing various Bible texts in a sermon transcribed by The Discovery Media Crew, he noted that when God created something, He looked at it and said it was good, but after creating man in his own image, He looked and said it was very good, “which implies that in the opinion of the Most High you were wonderfully made – you are wonderful.”
But he said the real wonder or motive of the creation of man is found later in the Book of Revelations, where it is stated that He created everything for His pleasure.
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created,” the Bible says.
By implication, therefore, all parts of man were created to serve Him and He is displeased if for any reason man is unable to function effectively.
For that reason, He will correct any dysfunction provided one has not put any stumbling block between him or her and God.
Adeboye declared: “By the special grace of the Most High God, you are going to be healed today.”
The revered Pastor spent some time to highlight and pray over various parts of the body.
• God made your hands to clap. The Scripture says clap your hands all ye people, including you. He made your hands to produce music for him by clapping. If He sees that your hands have withered or gone lame, He will be displeased because the hands that are withered can’t clap and it will not give Him pleasure. When Jesus found a man with a withered hand in the Temple, He restored the hands to wholeness without a request so that he could clap.
• He made your legs to dance. He expects you to praise Him with a dance and so when you are dancing, you are pleasing Him. When He sees that you are crippled, He is not pleased. When Peter found a lame man at the gate of the Temple, filled with the Holy Spirit He commanded him to rise and walk.
• He made you to increase, multiply and to produce after your kind. The first time God spoke to man, He said: “You are blessed.” The Bible says He takes pleasure in the prosperity of His saints. God went further to say: “Increase and multiply.” When He sees your womb dying without fulfilling the purpose He ordained it, He is not pleased and He will correct the situation.
• He made your mouth to sing. Everybody can sing. David said: “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall be continually in my mouth.” He didn’t make your mouth to complain, murmur, backbite, query or challenge Him but to sing praises unto the God in every situation.
• God wants you to be a man/woman of faith. Faith pleases Him; without faith it is impossible to please Him. That is how much God is pleased with faith and hates doubt. And because faith comes by hearing the word of God, if you are deaf, it displeases Him.
• He formed the eyes. “He that formed the eye, shall He not see?” The Scripture says: “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong on the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.” He sees ahead of your enemy and because He formed the eyes, long before you fall into the trap the enemy has set for you, He will take care of the situation
• He planted the ears. “He that planted the ear, shall he not hear?” God says: “If you call on me in the day of trouble, I will answer you.”
With all that said, the General Overseer assured: “Tonight is the night for your healing, if you cry to God, He will hear and when He hears, He will answer.
“There are wonders waiting for you, from the top of your head to the soul of your feet, wonders are about to happen because He made you for His pleasure.
“Any part of your body that is not functioning well will receive a correcting touch from Him today.
“Even if you are in the jaws of death – and doctors have declared there is no hope – with his displeasure over your inability to serve the purpose for which you were created, He is capable of healing you, if it is not your appointed time to die.
“The Bible says: ‘Let everything that has breath praise the LORD,’ and you have to be functional to do that.
“For example, when a mortally ill King Hezekiah challenged God that only the living could sing His praise, 15 years was added to his life.
“In all the dysfunctional situations that cause Him displeasure, God is willing to heal us.”
Pastor Adeboye, however pointed out that there is a problem if sin is standing between us and God.
He said in that case, we are removed from Him and can therefore not be expected to heal us unless we surrender our lives to Him for the forgiveness of our sins and repent.
“If there is any hidden sin standing between you and God, pray for it to be revealed,” he warned. “And if there is a known sin God has been warning you about but you have remained stubborn about it, have a rethink.”
He urged people to pray for salvation and capped it with prayers for all his listeners.