The General Overseer of Champions Royal Assembly, Prophet Joshua Iginla, has led by example by taking the COVID-19 vaccine.
This is coming some months after he publicly preached against religious leaders who are asking their members not to take the vaccine.
He then promised that He would take the vaccine and would let his members know when.
The cleric shared the pictures of him getting vaccinated on his Facebook page and advised Nigerians who feel they want to take it to take it too.
He said there is absolutely nothing wrong with him after taking the vaccine, and that those who preach against it are misleading the people.
Iginla, however, said he is not forcing any of his members to get vaccinated, but that most of the things said about the vaccine are false.
He also condemned preachers and clergymen who have taken the vaccine secretly yet advising members not to get vaccinated, describing them as misleaders.
He noted that some of these preachers take their family members abroad for medical treatment and some of them are still on medication, wondering why kick against members taking medication when their faith is not strong enough for divine healing.
Iginla debunked insinuations that the vaccine is a mark of the beast, insisting that a true bible scholar would know that the mark of the beast will only take place after the rapture.
His full post reads:
“First and foremost, understand that an unverified negative opinion or ideology can be dangerously misleading.
“I got vaccinated against COVID-19 and it is my choice, under no condition am I mandating members to take it. But to be more real, most of the negative things said about the COVID-19 vaccine are totally erroneous and false.
“As much as all government parastatals want the safety of their citizens, it is proper to educate them on the need to be vaccinated, rather than force it on them. Encourage people to seek medical care, after all doctors treat but GOD heals.
“Brethren if your faith level is still in the growing process, do not die reckless over a situation you could have averted. Take care of your flesh, to enable your spirit man fulfill destiny, your spirit needs your flesh to function on earth.
“Supernatural healing from the throne of Grace is real; deliverance and miracles through the undeniable power of God Almighty is still in existence through us by the Holy Spirit.
“As a child of God, carefully examine the level of your faith in the most High God, is your faith well grounded and rooted to stand the pressure of affliction? Having come to the consciousness of God’s word, I refuse to perish for the lack of knowledge.
“Hebrews 11:1 ‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen’ Some people’s faith are:Measurable, Growing, Great, Unwavering, Little, Weak, Active etc.
“Whichever faith level you fall under, do not totally throw away medical science, as much as it has its own limitations, the roots and medical knowledge were created by God Almighty.
“See Genesis 1:29 ‘Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food”.’
“Do not be deceived and misled. Some of the people advising you against the COVID-19 vaccine have secretly taken it. Be accountable for your deeds dear Brethren.
“I pray for you, every evil affliction coming your way is averted in Jesus name.”