The pomegranate is probably one of the most well-known fruits for increasing your sex drive.
During a study into the benefits of pomegranate on lowering blood pressure and reducing the the risk of heart disease, Scientists found that drinking pomegranate juice can actually increase sex drive.
A number of couples were given pomegranate juice to drink then asked to perform some erotic activities and couples who drank the pomegranate juice showed elevated levels of sexual interest.
The main reason pomegranate is so effective is that it helps the body to produce (NO) or nitric oxide which helps to open up blood vessels and increase to blood flow which is great news for the libido.
You can eat pomegranate or drink the juice.
The juice is more potent but the fruit can also be very enjoyable to eat and it is considered quite an exotic fruit to share with your partner, especially chilled with some shaved ice.
Figs are also very effective at increasing libido in both male and female and it is mainly due to the high level of amino acids found in figs.
Amino acids play a vital role in normal sexual function and will help increase the level of nitric oxide in the body.
The fig is said to increase sexual stamina as well as having a sexual appearance, flavour and smell to heighten all our senses to improve our mood and let our libido rise from their slumber.
Avocados are also great for our sex drive and not being your typical fruit it tends to get ignored a fair bit. The Avocado contains high level of folic acid to help metabolise proteins, giving you an energy boost.
Avocado contains good levels of vitamin B6, which helps you to fight stress and gives you the energy to keep going and also help with the production of testosterone. They are also known to benefit a woman’s libido due to the high potassium content.
Avocados also contain healthy fats we could all do with in our diets
The banana is a great way to start your day (banana diet craze) and it will help to boost your libido with the bromelain enzyme it contains.
It has one of the highest levels of potassium to help regulate energy levels as well as B vitamins.
How about a date to fight those low energy levels and lack of sex drive?
Very popular in the Northern parts of Nigeria, they are packed with amino acids for sexual stamina as well as a good dose of fruity sugars which make them sweet and an amazing pickup.
Give them a go if it has been a while since you’ve had one. They are juicy, succulent and very addictive.