Browsing: R&D Health

Ahmed said it was unfortunate that Nigeria contributes 92 per cent of the polio burden in African region, which makes the country one of the three countries in the world where poliomyelitis remains major health issue

Mobile phone applications are making ‘early warning’ a matter of seconds instead of weeks for animal disease outbreaks, and essential veterinary care can be tracked with pinpoint accuracy and speed, thanks to the Global Positioning System function now directly integrated in most cell phones

The USAID Country Director, Dana Monsuri, said that the partnership in 2013 is expected to lead to the training of 500 sorghum farmers in Kwara State on modern cultivation methods, group dynamics and leadership in order to build their capacities, while cassava farmers would also be trained on cassava production and field management, as well as access to credit facilities

Akpabio, who bared his mind during a meeting with chairmen of the 31 local government areas in the state, directed the Executive Chairman of Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area to stop motorcycle mechanics and block moulders from working on the covered drains as dirts from repairs or moulding could deface their aesthetic value