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The governor, who made the call for partnership at the Day 3 of the 1st National Health Summit in Asaba, the Delta State capital, said that government was taking this step as there was a huge gap between the needs of the people and services provided in the health sector

Fayemi stated that the free health mission was established to cater for the section of the population not covered by the free health programme of the government, which is meant for children under five years, pregnant women, elderly people above 65 years and the physically challenged

Speaking at an audience with a delegation from the Merck Pharmaceuticals Company of Germany, President Jonathan said that his Administration was therefore doing everything possible to ensure that genuine essential drugs and medicines are constantly available in hospitals and pharmacies in all parts of the country

The Director-General of NIPRD, Prof. Karniyus Gamaniel, noted at the event with the theme: strengthening the research and commercialisation of NIPRD phytomedicine, that estimated world market for herbal medicine based on traditional knowledge is $60 billion, which is 30 per cent of world pharmaceutical sales, adding that Africa accounts for only 1.2 per cent of the world’s total

The NGO has pioneered policies and partnerships that support investigations into the often unrealized economic and health restoration potential of traditional medicines. At the same time, BDCP has supported Nigerian scientists while raising the socio-economic profiles of the country’s traditional health practitioners