The American University of Nigeria has announced a switch to the online mode of instruction for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester.
AUN, whose Governing Council had approved full compliance with the Federal Government of Nigeria’s directive to all tertiary institutions to close down as a precautionary measure against further spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, will begin course delivery through online channels with effect from March 30, the Vice President for University Relations, Dr. Abubakar Abba Tahir, announced on Monday.
The programme ends on April 17, 2020.
“This is a familiar measure deploying AUN’s vast technological resources and support infrastructure toward ensuring that the remaining weeks of the semester are concluded within reason while meeting the remaining learning outcomes of the courses our students are enrolled in,” Dr. Tahir said.
While announcing the closure of the campus on March 20, AUN’s President (Vice-Chancellor), Dr. Dawn Dekle, assured departing students and their parents of continuity in their studies despite the shutdown as the University prepared to switch to online delivery modes, which students and faculty (lecturers) are already familiar with.
“I am proud of how our AUN learning community is adjusting to the COVID-19 health crisis. We have transitioned to alternative learning platforms quickly, allowing us to continue our Spring 2020 semester with as little disruption to the academic calendar as possible,” said Dr. Dekle, adding: “Our capacity for swift and successful deployment of AUN’s massive tools and techniques of technology within such short notice, is unprecedented in the region.”
In preparation for a seamless transition to online course delivery systems, the Office of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance in collaboration with the Office of Technology Support, organised refresher sessions on the use of online course delivery systems for faculty and staff.
Participants were drawn from the Schools of Information Technology & Computing, Business & Entrepreneurship, Arts & Sciences, Law, and Engineering.
Also, to ensure that the online model of instruction comes closer to the lively, interactive classroom experience, which is a uniqueness of AUN’s American-style liberal arts system, students have been assigned a Mentor/Learning Support Advisor who will facilitate additional support and interfaces with instructors and support staff elsewhere.
The University library has granted the undergraduate and post-graduate students unimpeded access to scholarly e-books and e-journal articles they may require for their courses and research.
The American University of Nigeria, which is enjoying its 30th uninterrupted semester since its establishment in 2004, was founded to be Africa’s first Development University whose mission is to promote service-learning and to educate leaders who will be prepared to tackle the development issues of Nigeria and Africa.
The University offers an American-style education modeled after the curriculum of American universities, using the latest in Internet technology and e-learning resources.
Currently, AUN’s five Schools offer the following undergraduate and post-graduate courses taught by very experienced faculty drawn from over 36 countries: School of IT & Computing – Software Engineering, Information Systems and Computer Science (with Concentrations in AI & Machine Learning, Algorithms & Complexity, Networks & Distributed Computing and Systems); School of Engineering – Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Systems Engineering, and Electrical/Electronic Engineering; Bachelor of Laws (LLB); School of Arts & Sciences – Communication & Multimedia Design (with concentrations in Journalism, Multimedia Design, Public Relations & Advertising, Radio/Television/Film), Economics (with concentrations in Business/Big Data Analytics, Finance, FINTECH & Block Chains), English Literature and Language, Politics & International Studies, Natural and Environmental Sciences (with concentrations in Bioinformatics, Biomedical Sciences, Biostatistics, Conservation Biology, Environment and Health, and Public Health), Petroleum Chemistry (with concentrations in Oil and Gas Chemistry, and Petrochemical and Polymer Science; and School of Business & Entrepreneurship – Accounting, Agribusiness Management, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Digital Marketing, and Public Policy & Administration.
AUN transitions to online instruction for remainder of Spring 2020 semester
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