It was the celebrated English Nobel Laureate, Rudyard Kipling who said- perhaps tongue-in-cheek or in a moment of spirited devotion, that “God could not be everywhere at once, therefore he made mothers”. An effusive hyperbole on his part, no doubt, but I suppose he did drive home his intended point home, succinctly and with precision with that statement. I’m inclined to empathize with the sentiments that drove him to say that it is my considered belief that Mothers were created to keep us mortals in remembrance of the Love that never fails, the love whose name is God. It is for this reason that the Yoruba- a tribe renowned for its thoughtfulness and acclaimed for its rich, arcane philosophy that is witnessing an unprecedented renaissance and resurgence even to the farthest ends of the earth, declared with Solomonic certitude: “Orisa bíi Ìyá kòsí!” Indeed, the power of a mother’s love is second only to the love that is of, and from God. This is why a wise man, somewhere and some-when, once said,
“Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.”
On this auspicious day of my admittance into the inner Bar- a day that signposts my attainment of the highest pinnacle of the legal profession, my heart overflows with an indescribable mix of emotions. Gratitude, excitement, and awe fill every fiber of my being as I stand on the threshold of greatness, first because I have found favour with God, the author of my odyssey, the one who had written the annals of my wanderings ever before I drew my first breath or before my body was even formed deep within the of my Òrisà.
Today is yours, beloved Princess Christiana Monisola Ajulo, nee Adedeji, my Òrisà. By the grace of God, to whom else could it belong? Whose sweat, whose tears, whose prayers, whose slaps, whose cheers have been the fuel that provided the power for relentless upward thrust? Whose counsel provided a compass that has commanded my feet as a youth, to abide in the upward path- the way of nobility and truth when siren voices sought to seduce away from light into darkness? When dark clouds amassed and obscured my way, who sent up a barrage of prayers to heaven, and illuminated my way?
Indeed and in truth, Òrisà bi Ìyá ko si l’aiye!
The cosmos, the very heavens are witness to the truth of my words when I say that it is your unwavering support, guidance, and unwavering belief in me that has propelled me to this moment of triumph.
You, Ma’ami, have been the rock upon which I built my dreams. Your limited formal education never hindered your ability to instill within me the fundamental principles of justice, compassion, and fairness. With your love as my compass and your teachings as my guiding light, you nurtured within me a deep sense of integrity and moral values that would shape my path towards greatness.
Reflecting upon our humble beginnings, I am overcome with profound gratitude for our shared journey. Your dedication, sacrifices, boundless love and unflinching faith in the Almighty, have been the driving force behind my pursuit of excellence. Of a truth, I have weathered tempests and calm seas alike, because you have been the lighthouse beckoning my ship to safe harbours. Today, as I stand on the cusp of success, I owe it all to you.
I cannot express enough gratitude to the legal profession, the bastion of justice and wisdom that has nurtured and guided me. From the Nigeria judiciary system to the Legal Practitioners Privileges Committee, and from the esteemed figures who I have in one way and another I have come across their tutelage, Late Gani Fawehinmi, SAN, Adekola Mustapha, SAN, Chief Bola Ige, Chief Kanu Agabi, Hon Justice Sehinde Kumuyi, Aare Afe Babalola, SAN, Dr Olumide Ayeni, SAN, Late Miskom Puepet, Sam Ologunorisha, SAN, Dr Tunji Abayomi, Prince Wole Adebayo, Asiwaju Wole Olanipekun, SAN and Asiwaju Adegboyega Awomolo, and Late Chief G. O. K. Ajayi, SAN, I owe a profound debt of gratitude. Their wisdom, mentorship, and unwavering support have shaped me into the lawyer I am today.
I cannot overlook the unsung heroes, those silent mentors who have left an indelible mark on my journey. Thank you, all for the influence, often unnoticed but deeply felt, has propelled me forward during moments of doubt and uncertainty. Your wisdom and guidance have been invaluable, and I am forever grateful for your presence in my life.
To those who have contributed and still contributing to the creation of the “Castle of Law,” I extend my deepest appreciation. Your collective efforts and unwavering dedication have paved the way for my ascent to this pinnacle of success. I am forever indebted to each and every one of you.
However, it is to you, my beloved mother, that I reserve the most heartfelt celebration and dedication. You are an extraordinary woman, one in a million. Today, I not only celebrate my achievement but also honor your remarkable motherhood. This momentous elevation stands as a testament to your profound influence in my life. Your life is a vivid manifestation of the truth in the words of the celebrated novelist, Agatha Christie, who in a moment of divine inspiration said: “A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.”
As I move forward, I pledge to honor the faith you have placed in me and the expectations of those who look up to me. I will carry the torch of justice, truth, and righteousness with unwavering dedication. Your sacrifices, your unwavering belief in me, and your unconditional love will never be in vain. Every step I take, I will strive to make you proud.
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On this momentous occasion, I call upon the world to join me in celebrating the essence of motherhood—the epitome of boundless love, strength, and resilience. Let us rise and give a resounding ovation to all the mothers who have shaped lives and nurtured future generations. And, above all, let us celebrate you, my dear mother, the embodiment of love, sacrifice, and unwavering support. I am persuaded that the late and immortal father of the American nation, Abraham Lincoln, would not begrudge me, as I join my voice with his to say with utmost sincerity, that “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”
Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for being the guiding light in my life. With your blessings and the grace of the Almighty, I embark upon the path ahead with unwavering integrity, excellence, and compassion.
With all my love and boundless gratitude.