It can be argued that the beginning of finding a solution to any problem is by first identifying clearly and unequivocally stating or recognising the problem.
So, like they say a drunk or drug addict will first have to accept and admit their addiction before any realistic steps can be taken to wean them.
So, we begin, shall we?
– Ineffective, misguided, unintelligent and corrupt leadership that is certainly not visionary. It is a no brainer and I am sure now widely recognised that we need to as an electorate only elect our “first eleven team” rather than the mediocre leadership we seem to elect in most African countries.
– Our focus on only individual achievement vs working together (the way Indians particularly and other Asian’s have proved globally that when you work together and propel each other the results achieved are remarkable). It is not a fluke that several of the CEO’s or the Executive leadership of some of the world’s most successful companies on the planet are first generation Indians, it is a well-articulated and executed plan.
– Our inability to think long term in terms of development of infrastructure for both our
present and future generations has created very self-centred and a short-term way of thinking that needs to change.
– We worship wealth regardless of its source, when we should instead worship remarkable deeds. We should recognise and show admiration for individuals in our society who carry out genuine, sincere remarkable deeds to improve the life of others and change our society for the better.
– We must now recognise and acknowledge that regardless of all our intellect, individual achievements which is comparable to other emerging and developing nations we will do a lot better working together.
– The same background that makes us unique: our ambition, competitiveness, drive,
resilience, the need to achieve individually are unfortunately the same traits that is now
undermining our ability to work together. African countries can take their rightful place
alongside emerging economies such as India and Pakistan to mention a few if this trend can change.
– Recognising that it is a duty, it is mandatory, that the elite, educated, wealthy class must use their knowledge, experience, wealth, influence, connections sincerely and genuinely to alleviate the circumstance or conditions of their fellow country men and women.
– The lack of opportunity, poverty, lack of healthcare, lack of infrastructure, the inequality in our society is resulting in huge numbers of our young people seeking greener pastures in other countries in the process enabled – the re-emergence of modern day slavery and dangerous travel conditions.
Why am I writing this?
Because I am of African Heritage,
Because I care as we all should,
Because I want more for my people, my country, my continent,
Because I recognise as I am sure most of us do that we must all continue to highlight these short comings individually, collectively to become better as a society, as nations, as a continent….
I am guided by the fact that: “One must breathe and be the change that they seek in the world, so that when they change and the next person changes, then things will change.”
. Waturuocha is an Australia-based Software Engineer and an IT Business Leader.