No one book, nor a compilation, no one project, nor one event can tell it all about the man the nation gathered in numbers to celebrate on October 6, 2016. Indeed, with glamour, pomp and pageantry the nation did and for good reasons too. The celebration was unique in many respects. First ever time a Deputy Governor is so celebrated in the presence of his boss. Although this boss takes the greater credit for this state of affairs due to his accommodating, trusting and large-hearted nature. With know the Executive Governor of Imo State Owelle Dr. Rochas Okorocha as an embodiment of these virtues.
But the function of October 6, which was the Book Presentation written in honour of the Deputy Governor of Imo State, Prince Eze Madumere, titled: “Eze Madumere: A True Manifestation of a Loyal Prince (Tributes to a worthy Servant),” is unique in some other ways. It was neither an autobiography nor a biography of the Deputy Governor of Imo State, Prince Eze Madumere, but just a dispassionate pictorial compilation of some of the activities of the man cum a brief touch on his contributions towards the huge success story that represents
Dramatically they met in an ordinary circumstance. The chemistry of their bodies matched. Friendship evolved. The mutual interest: politics. The two men from Orlu and Owerri zones began a political sojourn that led to more inroads into thepolitical environment of their state. The Owelle/Madumere pair has become the prominent element in the Imo political firmament guided of course, by the philosophy known and called the rescue mission.
But before then there were those in power—wolves, hawks, locusts, tigers and lions. How to unseat them from their entrenched powers and replace them with sons and daughters who would shun the rule of impunity and highhandedness and corruption of the first class caliber and create a kinder, gentler, wiser leadership devoid of corruption, graft and administrative bungle became the arduous task.
Due to the stubbornness and incompetence of the pre-rescue rulers they have refused to accept their abysmal failures up to the present. Conceded they tried their best, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition being couched in graft and personal aggrandizement. Faced by failure of credibility they are finding it challenging to stage a comeback largely because the solution they propose seem akin to all those factors that led them to a blind alley in the first place. Stripped of the lure of power by which to induce the people to follow their misguided and directionless leadership they have resorted to exhortations, pouring acid criticisms, incitement, castigation and inducement to crisis, all aimed at eroding the unfading and unflinching confidence of the people in the government the people themselves formed and are an indispensable part of The hawks have applied unimaginable machinations including, to plead tearfully for the restored confidence of the people in them. But the wise people of Imo state have paid no heed understanding them as those who know only the rule of a generation of self seekers. They lack vision to the miserable degrees and the Bible is instructive that where there is no vision the people perish.
Thus, the spirit of the people that chased the money changers and sharers out from their high seats in the temple since 2011has persistently kept them out of the corridors of power, their intrusive and baseless propaganda not withstanding. Armed with the confidence and trust of the people the rescue mission led by Owelle and seconded by Eze Madumere seeks to restore that temple to the ancient truism that honesty not only counts but remains the best policy.
Owelle and Madumere have often told us that good governance lies not in the accumulation and conversion of the contents of the people’s treasury, nor in the mad chase of evanescence profits made for one’s self at the expense of the people, but in the joy of achievement; in the thrill of creative effort and the satisfaction that comes from success.
The rescue mission’s current agenda is to consolidate the gains of the last five years; finish all ongoing projects; put people to work; enhance the condition of service of teachers and civil servants by fine-tuning the current harsh economic realities to permit some measures in their favor; alleviate poverty; introduce industrial and agricultural revolution— the 21st century model, and ultimately lay the ground work for the elevation of Imo state to the next level of human development and civilization. What more can a people ask for. True, not all the people will comprehend this magnificent package today but all will tomorrow. For those who already comprehend, the place to be is to stand firm and for those who do not get it yet the advice is for them to keep an open mind. Before too long we shall see.
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