Life doesn’t give you what you deserve; it delivers to you what you desire. If you look around you, you will see a lot of contradictions. Do you know the number of graduates and master holders working for illiterate bosses? All because they don’t belief in themselves. Life does not care if you have a degree or a masters.
The basic question is: What are your desires? What exactly do you desire to become in life? Are you living your dreams?
The worst thing that can happen to a living soul is to believe that the superrich are not ready to welcome any more people into their fold. This kind of thought can kill one’s dreams and make him develop a three square meal mentality. Fire your dreams up and wake up to make your dreams happen.
Life will not give you what you deserve but what they desire
The truth is, if you know what the rich people know and you do what they do, you will get the same result. You have got to realise that the superrich know that, life will not give what they deserve but what they desire.
The first thing they then do is to affect their believe system positively. Your belief system will affect your drive in life. For your desires to work for you, you’ve got to believe that you can be rich too. The common belief of the poor guys is that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. You have to know why the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer. The basic factor working against the poor is their belief system. It is not the degree that will pave a way for you. That you don’t have a degree cannot be a stumbling block either. Positive beliefs have a way of empowering you for success.
Is success harder than failure?
Some people believe that succeeding is harder than failing. Is it so? No! Failure is a habit and so is success. Your state in life is usually in consonance with your belief system. If you must be successful, you must realise that success is not more difficult, it could be tough at the beginning but with time it becomes easy, while failure is easy but will definitely make life difficult.
Gradual improvements
That you are changing your belief system does not mean that your state will change overnight. But gradually, things will start changing, you will start meeting positive people, you will start getting challenges that will bring out the best in you. Also know that if everyone believes in you and you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t make it. But if no one believes in you but you believe in yourself, you will definitely make it.
Wealth is a matter of decision and the decision is personal. I have a cousin that did not make her WAEC once. When we finished our School Certificate Examination, she made only three credits. She tried it again twice and got the same result. In her church, a prophet told that she is not cut out for the academic world, she was advised to learn a trade. But she believed she would make it. She wrote the examination the fourth time and still got three credits. At this juncture, the dad said, he doesn’t have any more money to waste, that until she decided to learn a trade, she should forget getting any money from him. She quickly looked for a job, so she could finance the examination herself. She wrote it the fifth time and was able to make five credits, excluding English and Mathematics. She used that to enroll for an evening computer programme with the help of one of our uncles. She was able to finish her diploma programme. She wrote the SSCE exam the again, and this time and made enough credits. She later got an admission to study computer science in one of the polytechnics. She was able to raise some money and went to school. Her father was still watching as events unfolded and he finally had to support her when her success became too evident to be ignored. He had to be part of the success story!
Just believe in yourself
The truth is everybody does not have to believe in you for you to make it. Just believe in yourself, and never give up, just like my cousin, they will then come to believe in you as they see you succeed.
People have said it’s not easy to make it in Nigeria, that everything was easier in the ‘good old days’. The problem is we were not privileged to be around then, so we must make good use of our own days.
In my University days, school fees was just N90, I graduated paying N120, but now in the same school, people pay as much as N125, 000. If you were not privileged to go to school then, does it mean you won’t go to school? Not at all dear, it means you must pay more, it means you must find the means to make it happen. Let’s desire good things however harsh the economy and ensure we make it happen.
You can make impossibilities possible
When Ali Baba went into stand-up comedy, comedy was not in vogue. Some people would have laughed at him, some would have told him to go get himself a good job. But because of his strong belief in himself, he worked hard on himself, he ensured he did not give up. He ensured he studied hard, did the needful and was eventually able to birth the comedy industry. Some have used Ali Baba’s template to become rich and very wealthy comedians. That become possible because someone believed in himself. Just by believing in yourself you could even make our country better you know. Remember, life doesn’t give you what you deserve, it delivers only your desire. Wealth is not a game of what you deserve, life only delivers into your hand what you desire. Your desires start with what you believe! Believe you will make it and you will! You will succeed!
. Adetayo, a Success Strategist and Leadership Expert, can be reached at: