Browsing: SARS

The men who struck around 5am on the new year day climbed over the gate with their ladder and ransacked the entire house. At the end of the operation, six adult male members of the family including myself were handcuffed, herded into a rickety bus and driven to the SARS Nnewi office where we were briefly detained.

The denial of the police was contained in a statement issued by the Force Spokesman, Deputy Commissioner of Police Don Awunah, in Abuja.
Awunah described the report as misleading and a clear misrepresentation of facts, unverified accounts and absolute distortion of current state of SARS

I made attempt to open my applications where I have word-to-go so the man could see and maybe read but he turned around with the speed of a concord jet and when he turned back to me he asked “who is Anna Williams”? I was perturbed and distraughted because I have NEVER heard that name in my life! Instead of checking for articles and pieces that I claimed to write officer BJ went to Yahoo Messenger, I could hear his thought in my brain; “he must be a yahoo boy”