Browsing: Niger Delta

Since his appointment as Minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Godswill Akpabio, a lawyer, senator and former governor of Akwa Ibom State, has come under the most virulent attacks and orchestrated media lynching. The same man who was the toast of the Nigerian media and even political associates and opponents on account of his uncommon leadership that wrought uncommon transformation in his state has suddenly become the subject of media hounding.

From personality clashes to sordid tales of mismanagement of funds, contractors that collect mobilization fees and simply take a walk, politicians in the National Assembly feeding fat on Niger Delta resources, and reports of terrifying wasteful expenditure and the conversion of every event or situation:

The narrativization in most public domains is that it is a monstrous sin to violently invade a person’s most sacrosanct cavity for demonic, sexual gratification. We have seen black-shirted anti-rapist’s militant women with placards as they lay siege after siege at the seat of power calling out time against sexual monsters in our society.