Browsing: Governor Udom Emmanuel

The brilliant entrepreneur-turned politician became the Man of the Moment not because of any monumental or miraculous making in neither his political or pastoral ministries, but through a one-day personal event held on September 25. The event was a three-fold appreciation to God on what the commissioner, whose surname means gift, considered special gift from God: the death of his mother a year ago, 35 years of being in marriage and appointment into the Akwa Ibom State Executive Council. Announcing the event on his Facebook wall, the State government’s spokesman, Ini Emeobong, who is always at his rhetorical best, aptly dubbed it “a three-in-one thanksgiving.”

He says he is mindful of the governor’s devotion to serving his people, and prays that God would sustain him with good health and happiness to celebrate more successes in his administration.

In order to fulfil his five-point agenda, Udom ignited an endless applause when he announced an ambitious, already-packaged, mouth-watering industrial programme. He told the people: “The thrust of our administration is industrialization. In driving this, we have revitalized and re-commissioned Peacock Paints. We have performed ground-breaking ceremonies for a car assembly plant in Itu LGA by a leading Israeli auto manufacturing company, Mimshac Merkavim; as well as the Low Energy Display (LED) manufacturing plant at Itam.” 

You have asked that I speak to you on a very important subject, which, if we cut to the chase, is about robust opportunities for lawyers in Akwa Ibom State. I am happy that you appreciate the emerging economic trends in the state, which have already started manifesting in steady and sustainable steps, and would consolidate in the not-too-distant future.

But last month, he became even more visible when he ministered at the National Young Adult and Youth Affairs Virtual Convention 2020. The theme was: “The Bright and Morning Star.” Although he didn’t have to mount the pulpit of the Arena, the new massive auditorium of the church, because the convention was virtual, many people around the world saw him preach from Uyo, the Akwa Ibom State capital.