Browsing: Alhaji Atiku Abubakar

The popular Unit 002 in Ajiya Ward of Yola North Local Government Area, where former Vice President Atiku Abubakar; former National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Alhaji Bamanga Tukur; and other prominent politicians resident in Yola, the State capital, vote, was virtually empty.
Both Abubakar and Tukur did not show up to cast their votes

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar (4th Right) in a group photograph with members of the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria led by its Ameer (President), Muhammad Jameel Muhammad (4th Left)

He said: “It saddens my heart to learn of the stunning news of the death of the golden boy of Nigeria football. His departure is more touching when one recalls that Keshi also lost his loving wife of 33 years, Kate, to cancer late last year thus rendering their young children hapless orphans

As a student of politics, I cannot pretend to be oblivious of the fact that federalism is more a system of government of itself, than in itself. By this I mean that a system of government can be unitary (or anything) in structure and remain federal in purpose, likewise it is possible for a structure of government to be federal in outlook and unitary in purpose

The former Vice President in a statement by is media office in Abuja on Friday, noted that the late Benin monarch radiated royalty, majesty, wisdom, intelligence and nationalism even as he spared no effort in protecting the traditions and values of his people

So sad.
Gone are the good old days when practicing and aspiring politicians, as well as the ordinary folks, were treated to eloquent philosophical polemics and pragmatic oratory by the likes of Nigeria’s First Civilian President Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, the Great Zik of Africa; or the golden broadcast of former Prime Minister, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa; and not the least the well-researched policies and evergreen essays of the former Premier of Western Region and legal luminary, Chief Jeremiah Obafemi Awolowo

In a press statement released in Abuja through his media office, the former Vice President said the fire incident is one too many and called on authorities in charge of public places like markets, schools and factories to be extra vigilant at this period of the year

Every New Year such as this is a prime time for inner self reflection, stocktaking, resolutions and covenants. Hence, I urge my compatriots to remember their country in their every day prayers and actions throughout 2016 and beyond. For citizens are like spokes in the wheel of national progress; the whole can only function well if the units work positively in tandem. Nigerians should therefore work in concert to make Nigeria the great country of their dream

A press statement released by his media office in Abuja on Sunday and signed by his Media Adviser, Mazi Paul Ibe, said Abubakaris embarrassed by the deliberate falsehoods being spread against him by political opponents who are bent on causing distraction for President Buhari at a time all energies should be channelled into helping the President actualise his change agenda