It really bothers me to know that most people are on jobs that they hate, for several years and all they do is complain. Let’s do little analysis together.
You don’t like what you do and for five years or more you wake up in the morning to do the job you hate.
People are ruled now by what they will eat, put on and the class they want to belong to. Most people are o.k. with outward satisfaction, when inwardly they are not fulfilled. You cannot give your best, if you don’t like what you do. Creativity comes naturally when you like what you are doing.
Strategically fire your boss
If you don’t like what you are doing, fire your boss! Yes, I mean fire him with deliberate actions that will position you better to do what you love. At least, if you cannot get your dream job, you can create it. I want you to become stronger than prevailing situations and circumstances. I will give you practical steps you should take to fire your boss.
First, discover your passion
A young man approached his pastor and complained that he is not enjoying his banking job. The question his pastor asked was: What do you enjoy doing? You must know what drives your passion. The young man discovered he likes barbing. You must look inward to find out what you like.
• Second, he was told to do a feasibility report to know how profitable the idea would be. He did. He went further to learn the basics of barbing. Before long, he opened a shop, recruited a barber and business started. He started going for seminars, on weekends to know how to overcome the challenges in his trade. He networked those already in the industry. Within a year he started, he was able to have three lucrative branches, located in choice areas of Lagos State. His banking salary could not even compete with his profit. So, he fired his boss and he’s doing very well today.
Take practical steps
The reason you are afraid to fire your boss, is because you have not taken practical steps that will embolden you to fire him and start your dream business. I received a call one Sunday afternoon from a woman in faraway Akure, she was so happy as she related her success story to me. She said: I have started like you encouraged and I made N400 on my first outing, this was about ten years ago. What step do you need to take to fire your boss.
Work really hard
To start your own business will demand hard work from you. Will you work hard on your dream business? Or you will keep going to the job you hate because you can pay bills. If you have read me very well, I have not said resign, I won’t even say that. The simple ideas start working on your dreams between 9pm and 12pm and on weekends too.
Get the knowledge, test the waters, get an assistant to help out. Do something. Fund your dream with the income you are getting. Work on your financial independence. Do something daily that will make you to easily fire your boss. Convert your idle time. If you start doing something instead of just complaining, within a short time, you would have grown enough to fire your boss. Wisdom is profitable to direct. You will succeed!
. Adetayo, a Success Strategist and Leadership Expert, is also a sought after corporate trainer, counseling/consulting psychologist and minister of the word. He can be reached at: